Jun 13, 2020
A discussion on developing intuition Robert Caruso and Co host Bridget Huggins
us we call it us because all of us are part of us meaning we're all in this together one of the things that we did as far as we putting this little thing together was the idea that everybody's in it together buddy connected vibrationally and such such like that and I also wanted to do something because I've been in intuitive you know for about the last 37 30 some years probably before that but pretty professionally one of the things used to irritate the hell out of me is somebody saying Robert you're a step above a human I used to make my skin crawl you know I hated it or you're an angel I remember one lady told me I was an angel and I said no one that knows me gonna believe I wasn't you'd call me an angel just man but the thing about it is what I learned as I started to go through this was that the intuitive ability which is our believability to know what's going on without all the information you get it by vibration for example our guest today I had a vibe that it wasn't gonna come through that the call wasn't gonna happen and biggering hell that's what happened like anyway here we are one of the things I knew is back in the day when I first started doing started getting involved was as I would let go of anger I would let go of misconceptions prejudices stuff like that the intuition got stronger and stronger and stronger so I liken it to like a lamp like when those halogen lamps I might have talked about before it but where everything that's ever happened to you is like a veil over that lamp until the shot at the Sun of that sock Jesus so the light doesn't shine through anymore that would be your intuition intuition being covered now you can be a totally upstanding person still got a [ __ ] load of that stuff going on you for example the fear if you're not being able to do something that you could probably do with ease or maybe a prejudice you didn't know you had maybe a fear that you can't explain the idea is to take those things off get them off of you I was going to talk about that to our guests because hypnosis is one of those things that people use that sound healing Reiki regressions past life and current life the ability to connect with somebody so completely that you can feel them beyond their behavior anyway that's what we're gonna talk about today as things are a little crazy in the world right now connecting with your intuitions kind of where it's at if you did that you're gonna be afraid of these nt4 clowns or you know Trump if you got an issue there or Biden wherever hell it won't it won't knock you off your off your pins it'll allow you to take a second connect and kind of know where you stand right now just from a mental point of view to look at the world now you see nothing but chaos maybe see nothing but destruction and no way out conspiracy theories are being conjured up like it's it's impossible to talk about all of them in the time we have some of them are completely crazy-ass absurd and some make a lot of a lot of sense which is which if your intuition is intact best she can be you know you're always kind of developing and when I say developing intuition I don't mean learning to do it I talk about learning to access it by letting go of the programming everybody's got to Billy I could teach somebody to do this and probably 30 minutes but they'd have to practice it'll take a while to really get proficient in anyway so we'll talk about that some of that right now and you want to start with something yes I'm on your mind I just would know how did you really get started in this you know did you did you see things or hear things or like when you were a child or did it really just come to you when you're an adult you know what how do you when you have a client what are you seeing something in your head are you hearing something you know how do you know these things about them and try them well first play says you know I didn't want to do this I didn't give a damn about I thought was stupid and I enjoyed drugs enjoyed fighting that you enjoyed all that craziness right and one day I had a regression and I found the essence of my problem and I went from there what do you mean by you had a regression one day like a past life regression I was in Hawaii in Hollywood and I would just got off of a Lacey's crank back then he splits math now I had one of those parties and the next day I couldn't sleep I couldn't stay awake either I just a mess and I had the two boys and I needed he figure things out and I kept sliding back and something was said on his talk show and I went to I went to the Bodhi tree which is a bookstore on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood it was mentioned on the TV otherwise I wouldn't win right so I go there and I went there and I was like this is stupid what am I doing here and this guy comes up and open sandals and stuff you know and he wanted me to join his Colton I told me get the hell away from me because you felt like he was blowing smoke but anyway and I got a trade paper in one side was this guy that did past life regressions well one side was a woman that done channeling now I figured she she could blow smoke up my ass and I wouldn't know necessarily mm-hmm so I was pretty cynical back then like now anyway then she then I looked at so I'm not gonna do that you know I was gonna kill a hundred bucks then this guy's name was Michael Green from South Africa he did regressions I thought well damn I used to pay five bucks a head to do LSD so I could see [ __ ] he was gonna make me [ __ ] without it right so I went to him and had a regression and does that mean like you're seeing things for the past life he's telling you about it no he ain't telling me anything it was it was a coolest thing okay it was like he says okay he's gonna run these runnings energy when he did I started literally started seeing colors kind of going in front of my face my eyes were closed okay and then I saw this picture BAM shock quick real picture a guy yelling at me and then he goes well you see anything no no I really I just saw a picture of it's gone well he puts his crystal because crystals even if we're using radios to enhance a vibration we put it on the third eye between eyebrows and then he says he did a couple things energetically and next thing you know I saw that same picture but then I don't if you remember what eight millimeter films were like yeah it was kind of like to have a no tech anyway they just started going faster pretty soon it was in almost normal time mm-hmm and this guy was yelling to me pointing where I need to be walked and where I needed to go and I couldn't see the ground was all white and it was a turnout and so as a German dude and so I apparently I walked like I was supposed to next thing I know these guards grab my arms and the arms that I had in this life were twitching because of it yeah yeah that's pretty crazy and then as I was being walked I could feel my feet slip even though I was laying down it was vivid really vivid Wow and then I was put in this room and I know there was a decision being made and I couldn't see out the windows and I realized why everything was white why I couldn't see out the windows because it was snow and it was cold in the mist you know that it fogged it up and so I kind of knew what was happening anyway they directed me to go into this building and I did the gas chamber thing do you see Wow and I was able to experience the death and all that stuff and there's a point where they say where do you what is your higher power have to say and I go and I'm listening and the thing says it says relax I was disappointed that goddamn relaxed enough right I'm supposed to get this huge thanks I'm driving home and the menís mess it's kind of finished it said what people think don't matter I thought that's pretty elementary thing to say to me but then I looked at my life and it's exactly what the issue was I was mean and honoree and drugs and all that stuff cuz I believed other people would see me as you know no good that's the way my parents raised me you saying anyway as I would I figured out as I would get rid of these blocks I call them anger blocks every time I would start to feel angry I'd analyze everything that's going on because I realize sometimes you're not angry at the whole scene you might be angry out of at a word or a smell or you may have the proximity is somebody talking to you might do it do you see that's a lot of like you see those people guys that come out of war you know just certain words yeah it's kind of like that anyway as I would break these blocks the intuition is stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger Wow pretty soon I couldn't stop and people were coming to me and it never occurred to me to do a business with it it never occurred to me to do it for a living I was even wondering why I wanted to do it in the first place but it just seemed to help the folks and I was helping them out whatever whatever and my niece one time she comes in and she's telling me about this right and before she got about four words I described a rework to her and she goes damn how do you do that I'm like oh no but it's worth as how it's working now yeah well one thing I do another Here I am but I realized even even now there'll be times that I might be doing a reading and I'll run into a thing that's like okay that doesn't feel right what I just said doesn't feel right so if I do that then I have to figure out okay if it doesn't feel right is it because I have a block or I have a prejudice of some sort when I do that though I would describe the scene of the person and he gets it past it but either way that's the thing I realized that that's really a lot of what's going on these people are going nuts in our society right now that's out of fear that's out of lack of communication that's out of lack of feeling like they got control over anything so what is the answer in every animal every animal even the little kids everything always go to anger always go to to ranting and freaking and you know hysteria it's because when you lose when you lose your bearings that's where you're naturally gonna go because it's defense you see that and and then I realized if if you honed your intuition everybody has it there's nobody the whole gifted thing that [ __ ] has to be thrown away unless it the gift is how easy it is for you to develop but anyway that needs to go away because it's so simple it is such a simple thing and then you are asking you know how do i how to does it you know do I see [ __ ] and stuff like well when I first started I was sucked will come randomly and so I picked up a deck of cards tarot cards and I started using them next thing to do I was I was losing him and pretty soon they damn things are too slow I couldn't put it bound fast enough cuz I by the time I put him down I already told him what I needed to tell him right and so uh I um next thing I know I'm seeing stuff then I'm hearing stuff then one day I'm reading this guy and I'm talking about his brother and all sudden I start to choke turns out his brother how it was decapitated by a the hood of a car and I start choking cuz I connected you say and then I realized I could literally read with my whole body like I might see a picture and if I pay attention that picture okay I got okay the answer is okay your husband is upset because he thinks you don't love them then I might get a pain here and that'll confirm it you understand or I might all of a sudden see this picture I'll say something this picture will start do you see or I'll see it I was sudden I remember a song that I heard when I was 12 or or a picture I saw in a magazine you know 10 years earlier all that stuff is part of it and it's just a part of putting it all together but the interesting thing about it is you see more when you allow yourself to see more when you're paying attention because it's all around you it's already there it's all it's all vibrational signatures you see so you connect you can act constantly connecting and that's how that's how it works it's pretty simple it sounds complicated [ __ ] but it's not it's pretty simple because it all comes down to okay you start one place this is what I'm gonna do this I'm going to read and pay attention okay you know what I just felt this so maybe I got to pay attention to that you know what I just saw something now yeah I remember this thing I saw the alp up in the alphabet soup [ __ ] that might be a you know and you start going through it and what it does is as you do it you're you're all the windows start to open write two cards on one thing cards to me they're all right but they're kind of elementary it's kind of almost like a Ouija board it's got a certain amount of juice to it but all it is really is the steam to stimulate or help you access the intuition okay like I knew a guy in Vegas that uh used to throw spaghetti somebody would ask him a question he throws spaghetti against this cardboard and then read it how it lays another guy used to take cards literally just throw them on the floor and read them that way then there's people juice and these people do coffee people do tea you know I tell people I can teach them how to read a pile of dog crap you know just a matter of understanding how to do it yeah like one of the things that you do in my classes I'd put like three bottles you know dark uh-huh so I couldn't see in but I put so much water in one nun in another and I'd fill the other one up and I'd say okay now imagine you're about two inches tall now imagine you're walking up and always use imagine because people that try to do this they say well can't I can't be my imagination well that's [ __ ] what's your imagination it reminds ability to see images okay now it doesn't mean you're making the [ __ ] up but what it is is if you imagine something you're imagine a scenario if you do that you're just setting the vibration now if you say okay I imagine and we'll go through this thing and there's gonna be this much water then your imagination is getting in the way do you see my point yeah so I would say to them okay you imagine you're two inches tall now imagine you're walking up to the to the bottle you're putting your hand on the on the glass feel the coldness you feel the coldness the glass feel the smoothness now imagine that you pushed your hand through the glass you literally feel your hand going through you fill the glass around your arm as you push through then you push your shoulder through and I usually go at that point but do you feel that yeah okay now push the rest of you now you take the rest of your body now you're completely in the bottle okay then I go okay now take your hands and put it on the wall so now they're so involved in the scene that they let go of the [ __ ] they let go of the baggage do you say yeah because I kept pointing out scenes and things to that for them to think of or pay attention to then I say okay now you're in the bottle you can fill the walls that's smooth and cool stuff like this okay now move your feet they move their feet okay do you feel anything and generally like why do I feel like there's something around my ankles now goes at your ankles well well no it's just below my knee that'd be the worth of water s do you see that'd be the water line uh-huh and I put it through the other bottle Nate oh I don't feel no water nothing you know the other one drowning I was kidding they're not grounded but it's like I feel under if like I'm below the water line yeah so and then they get excited because they did it I didn't take goddamn hard the hardest part of this is knowing you is being accepting that you can do it and like there's this one lady comes to me and poor lady was crying man I knew I've known her for years and she go to all these classes classes after class you know she's Robert you know I go to these classes and these people are seeing aliens and Indians and all kinds of crap and I can't see nothing that's all probably something that means seeing it either so but let's go what they're doing I say now I'm gonna give you something to do and I just want you to trust me she said okay I show her picture my dog my dog is Leo he's a boxer okay imagine you're standing next to him just like the bottle see no you're what you have to do is get out of that baggage I had to make her forget that she was thinking she couldn't do it and so I said okay now you want to feel this far can feel this far yeah okay you feel this muscle how about this body he feels body yeah yeah okay now push your hand through and you want to feel that your shoulder to shoulder with him now can you do that yeah now you take that hand the right hand and put it down into his right paw in order to do that you have to slip your rest of your body into him you put your left hand down his left paw can you do that yes absolutely okay now that you're all the way in him imagine he's sitting down now now I want you to imagine what it feel like feeling the ground under his feet or the ground under his ass because you said now okay they cut that okay got it okay you look out of his eyes yeah what's he that it was nose yeah all right now imagine you're just moving around inside there and tell me if you feel anything and she did it she picked up that he had gotten hurt in his hip and she started crying she was all freaking Curt she's just yeah really happy but it was so simple all I had to do was to get her programming out of the way and that's really how it works it's why it's so simple do you say that's why when people were saying all that stuff about unusual and all that it just seems so absurd to me if I bought into it I felt like a liar so I couldn't go there you know yeah that's how what about I know you use I I think I saw on your website you don't you don't channel people that much but maybe if someone's really having a hard time getting over a loved one that Russ passed on yeah what it what is that like do you do you hear them talking do you see them like how do you come from a lot of different ways sometimes I'll just hear it sometimes I'll see them talk sometimes I'll see them showing me something like a you know like something in your hand or maybe they'll do something like this you know shake turn on it'll maybe they're saying okay well I think that my grandmother did this and this and then the grandmother might go no no no you see that's how it's done I don't advertise that I do it because I only want to do it through group with grief issues yeah I don't like at least this sounds like I'm being a hard-ass but it's it's a little bit like I had these women that come to me got about ten years ago and they wanted to talk to their mother and and I said well sure okay is there is there an issue you want to look into you want to go look at certain things no we just think it's fun you know cuz we used to get together make cookies and I gave him somebody else's number you know to me that kind of connection you know it's not something to play with right nothing it's dangerous yeah but don't you have to kind of be a little careful about letting in like negative energy or no I don't okay you can join you could use that okay you can choose that like a lot of people are afraid of that they're afraid that okay if I'm able to touch spirit then the demons are get me mm-hmm no no if you're an [ __ ] that might happen if you're going at it because you're being a [ __ ] it might happen right because if you think of vibrational frequencies you think about you know levels of connection spiritual connections whatever a demon I don't know if you call it that a demon would be something a very low vibration yeah and if you're coming at something at a high vibration you won't even touch it you see that and they can't touch you for example I've done a hundred and like a hundred and seventy ghost investigations I've never been hit never been touched or anything but I've seen somebody get a scratch go up their arm without even nobody touching home girlfriend I had got choked out not out but choked I definitely have had experience yeah yeah if you if it was a negative one you were probably in a bad mood or you were feeling sad about something maybe yeah it wasn't positive it really scared me I was younger it was pretty it was kind of scary yeah well the thing is is that's why people say pray when that happens what you're doing is raising your vibration outside that field okay you see that yeah it's very simple I had a girlfriend he used to [ __ ] spirits used to Jack her up man but she was manipulative little thing and she tend to look for reasons to put someone down and that's something her vibration was low just allowing that to come in exactly exactly there are people that used to like I'd teach him be teaching him you know well I'm worried about getting that happening I saw your natural vibration won't let it happen you can't you can't connect do you say yeah what if they dwell on the fear that they will connect okay just like that saying what is it was what you what we resist persists so if you think about this it's like all right if I'm thinking about negative [ __ ] off thinking about demons think about demons hope I don't get a demon you know to even damn don't come no demons right then I'm focusing literally connecting literally opening a conduit to that negative behavior do you see like when people do the D G board usually they're trying to scare each other okay so it does because they kept connect on that vibration I know I can't believe we used to do that when we were kids now that freaks me out I want nothing to do with that right my sister used to do that she used to talk to a ghost named Gus and he was a Vietnam vet he had gettin killed all that stuff and she used to get some real vet real answers and then she told him what she asked one time would you ever hurt me and it said yeah and I freaked her out right so she throws this is funny I was kind of a jerk back then she throws her thing in the trash right cuz she won't deal with him so I took out a trash and I put it on her porch oh my so she walked out it's there she thought it'd come out by herself yeah Stacey that either so she breaks it throws it away I bring it back out I pull it together oh my god she's panic and so she burning yeah she's funny because she was just she was so expecting the negative vibration that she's kept she created it not created she connected to it okay yeah in your opinion like spirits you know is if some of them just like not crossed over they don't hang around like what are you what's your feeling on all of it well I think they've already crossed but I don't see I don't see crossing over as a destination I see it as a vibrational change dimensional change so the dimension changes yes but their consciousness may very well be focused on certain events that's where you get the ghost thing mm-hmm they can connect just like we do okay so they connected it to that one episode and you'll see them involved in it so when you see like I've read an article saying that like snuffer's there's apparently a a woman that was killed there and they everyone that works there's say a bar I think I think lower Greenville maybe like original I mean uh like a burger place yeah yeah they a lot of people that work there have said that the woman that was murdered there that it's like they see her ghost a lot they're sure and so I kind of looked it up and one article said that sometimes they maybe have unfinished business or it was so sudden that they're not even aware that they're dead I mean what do you feel about that well I think they know their dad they don't call it dad because they live in over there right uh-huh so the death is kind of a I think a Mis Mis label yeah you know I don't believe in death personally I believe the body goes away but you still role you know but uh no I don't think they're caught you may be they visit it in their from their vibration they visit it that's when you see them otherwise you see them all the time right you always see them now and then you never hear about somebody said man discuss some [ __ ] won't leave no well sometimes I see her sometimes I don't okay well maybe just like us maybe they're visiting - do you see yeah their vibration is focused on it - mm-hmm see it makes to me it doesn't make sense that anybody's caught I mean how stupid could the universe be I'm here you think about it okay you're gonna die you're probably not having to make a lot of choices right then mm-hmm like here's a funny story I thought it was anyway somebody might think I'm an ass not with this buddy or whatever some one of my clients I was talking to her and she used to be a client of Sylvia Browne which was Montel Williams favorite reader anyway she goes now I have a brother that passed on and I know he has three doors to choose from when he dies I said who the hell told you that she says Sylvia Browne did I said I think Sylvia is full of crap and I still think about what you're talking about here you're talking about a not you're not talking about a choice here death ain't a choice timing might be we don't know that death ain't a choice so you can't be in the mindset we do in a choice something that's happening to you three doors where would they go I've been hell Cincinnati you know what I'm saying it doesn't make any sense just like if you're being born there's nothing you're not deciding which mother to Jack out of right I don't make any sense yeah you know I always feel like you need to take the mystical magical and bring it down to where you can put some common sense in there you see what I'm saying yeah doesn't mean I'm right but in my in my forever career yeah I think I am yeah yeah so anyway like like I was at UH I used to do investigations a lot of estimations of course like I said I did the real famous place Baker hotel okay and I was there one day and I was being used like bull dyke a bloodhound going through these corridors and finding these spirits and [ __ ] right well went up in this house that was I mean the house in the room that was supposed to be inhabited by a woman that was mr. Baker the owner his mistress and there was an altar there the whole works right anyway we're in there the radio stations they're afraid the radio stations anyway I forget his the because a ranch or somewhere I can't remember any well he's got people were there right and I was connected to the woman and in the inn when I would connect I would feel the actual like a buzz in my whole body right I started talking to her with her as her and it was my voice but her pattern her speech pattern and then one of the women was laughing and involuntarily I filled my head go like make a scene and it goes you think this is funny oh my gosh and a woman goes well yeah a little then you hear go she's kind of I didn't him it just involved her his [ __ ] as soon as that happened that window went up about two inches the door slammed and everybody room was panic and this one guy he was in there all cocky couldn't believe it I was going oh [ __ ] so I spent we spent probably a good four or five hours on that trip and that places the place is loaded up with spirit with entity you know anyway matter of fact there was a picture I know where it went there's a picture I'd lean against the wall doing my thing and there was an orb right next to my hand that had a guy with a goatee you know it was actually visit you can really see it eyes eyebrows the whole works Wow and I don't know where that fan picture went but anyway so it's there but see those people they're not caught but probably wherever their vibration is they visit it now a nun you know I think it's everything you know some physicist or not quantum physicists believe everything simultaneous and I think it's probably true you know anyway that's pretty cool yeah what about back on the like intuitive stuff you were talking to me earlier about your son and in the fear of heights yeah yeah that was that was interesting he was he's a truck driver big strong kid and he'd be he was telling me that he says he's has this reoccurring dream of going over a bridge and hanging from a bridge waiting to fall kind of thing I thought man where'd that come from you know and it goes along with what we were saying earlier about programming when he was about maybe year old I fell asleep at the wheel and we had a car wreck and I literally got thrown out of the car I had to catch the car kept going it was crazy Wow anyway when I got everything stopped and I looked he was in the back seat that the car seat had flipped over and he was hanging from it so I realized when I put those two together I realized that's weirdly what it was is the car wrecked kind of programmed he's thinking that a car rack then hanging would be the same on a bridge it would have to be a rack then you'd be hanging from the bridge you say yeah so it all worked out like that at pretty I guess he's over it well obviously is does over the TRO road trucking I'm here to face that fear yeah how do you help someone because you keep I keep hearing people saying you know you have so much like childhood trauma or things that have happened to you that could affect you having chronic pain when you're older or something how do you kind of heal from those type things well what you do is you you you have to have time for your your mind to go for a walk so you see that like like an example would be [Music] like hey I didn't know I had it but I had a prejudice against old white men and I didn't know what to how the problem was and I was trying to sell him my my radio show trying to go on syndicate syndication and I found out the guy that was gonna make the decision was an old white man in his 60s 70s [ __ ] it's not gonna work Ben and the wife I had at the time wife number three she goes why isn't gonna work well it's an old white guy she goes why would that matter and I thought yeah why would that matter it was caught in my head and it's because when I grew up I couldn't trust those type of guys because they were you know they'd predatory pedophilia [ __ ] like that you know yeah so it was in my head and I didn't know it you say yeah just like I think there's a lot of times you know what an interesting thing would be when we're dealing with anything psychological anything intuitive anything that deals with how the mind works you have to deal with baggage the baggage whatever the hell is hanging hung on you and you know lost my train of thought right but anyway you have to deal with the baggage yeah you have to deal with the baggage and and it isn't about hardcore thinking it's about imagining what is it where did I feel this before do you say l ron hubbard it's crazy if you want to thought whatever Senate ology or whatever whatever the essence the beginning of that was Dianetics Dianetics is the coolest thing scientology they always seem to have their hand in my pocket so I never went back but Dianetics was amazing the technique that they teach and I learned to do it myself fascinating mystics it's a it's they call it moderate they were calling it then modern science of mental health but it was it was written in 250 in 58 and it's about seller for years and years and years and what it does is kind of how I kept gnosis but you're actually going into the thing on your own do you say so they do things like to have trigger words just different things like they'll find out you're saying certain things so they use a certain word and say it over and over until you break through okay you say yeah and what happens is I'll give you an example my I had a wife at the time wife number two she the kids his mother right we were we were young Under 20's early 20s and I'd gotten into this and we we went to this they had a they call it Admissions and I wanted to learn Dodd to do the oddity and she had been raped by her father so she was dealing with that so I'm there and they hand me this like tomato juice kid and he says okay show me how the mind works and they have second they have reactive active mind reactive mind and they have that what they call a file clerk which is your minds ability to retrieve memory but the problem is you can retrieve memory but that's in - it's the animal it's the interpretation that screws you up and they liken it to of having a seven stuck down on a calculator one in one is nine did you see that what they call it like if you have a like baggage like this programming if you have the seven stuck down a on a calculator one plus one is nine do you say it's the same with the mind if you have this deep set thought that's something yes do you set the thought of something like the old man being in jerks for me it's gonna color your perception from now on until you get it out in there yeah you see that well when I started and I was just I've really a knuckle-dragger I was bad news still I was trying to find my way and this guy says okay show me how the mind works and he hands me this can full of all this [ __ ] like Legos and nuts and bolts and crap like that you know I look at it so what how the hell am I supposed to do that couldn't get around that this stuff could be whatever I want it to be you see so I'd spend just sitting there just I don't know I was just panning just just having a fit I call the guy over said look give me something else to use this is [ __ ] you know you guys are nuts and he says he and I was trying to start a fight yeah all he did was look amigo well let me know when you're ready and walked away and Mike he was supposed to fight with me understood how to fight mm-hmm you see yeah anyway he's gone and up with this stupid [ __ ] going on just having a fit and then I said look dude come here give me something else I mean this is [ __ ] I was mad as hell so well you know you're gonna have to do it so let me know when you're ready walked away [ __ ] finally I did it I figured out how to do it I had to dislodge my belief that this Lego was a Lego it had to become something else yeah okay and so I managed to do it it took me more than an hour when I was done my shirt was full of sweat I had been shaking so I literally went through this episode all behind something so freakin simple well the next move was the hand me of all things and when I was a kid I was raised by a pretty big knuckle dragger I mean he's pretty if he was to see me with a doll when I was a kid he to beat me bloody yeah and of all things that had me a damn dog baby doll right I'm supposed to talk to the doll says okay close your eyes to the doll was your eyes take some deep breaths something like this and I would go close your eyes and it's like damn it okay close your eyes baby breath I keep doing that cuz I couldn't get it couldn't get it be able couldn't talk and say four freakin lines and I was raising all this hell and people are looking at me smiling nobody was getting us at for me for me yeah do you see that for me I needed them to be upset mmm-hmm they wouldn't do it so finally I got it done and when I left that room I could barely walk I was literally holding onto the walls and I was passing this guy in the hall his name was force of all things that shows what kind of fella he was and I said he goes I heard you did it I said yeah I said they gave me a damn baby doll you know he says yeah they gave me a teddy bear and I cleared that teddy bear and then I dawned on me that baby doll didn't mean anything it was it was plastic and material right well why was I attaching this significance to it you know and then I realized from there I realized that a lot of times what is being said isn't what really going on it's a perception that it has really no basis for truth you see person ain't lying yeah they're a patrician the interpretation is skewed because of some past programming like the lady I talked about before with wasn't woman enough okay well what does that mean she didn't know yeah you say then when I helped her realize it that wasn't the case her life got back on track she's fine again yeah it's really fascinating very fascinating and it has nothing to do with hippie dippie stuff it's nits well it isn't the hippie dippie stuff you hear about it isn't the what they would like to say woo woo stuff it's not really like that the ultimate the essence of the intuitive ability is not a spiritual thing it's a human thing or actually a living thing maybe I think animals do it too but it's a living thing you can connect to spirit that way but it doesn't go that way it's not like that's like it's not like you need the spirit to tell you yeah but you need the intuition to connect to the spirit to get whatever is being seen from there makes sense yeah it's nuts it's crazy but it's so simple that like it's so simple that people don't want to believe it or they want to but they can't because it's too goddamn simple yeah yeah and you know I feel like some people kind of block out their childhood I feel like some people remember all sorts of things from their childhood even when they were babies and then some people don't remember much of their childhood do you feel like there may be blocking something out absolutely you know a lot of like I talked to people all the time that they just flat don't remember from maybe five to seven years old it doesn't mean all that was dark or bad but there was enough that it kind of shot him off but that's in there still yeah and there's still access in that memory they just don't know it consciously that's what that seven second mean stuck down means so they need to do like an exercise like what you did pull it out yeah well the last the last exercise when I did that done anything I had to what they call audit the wife I had and so I went into and I says okay I forget how I started it but she was supposed to see what had happened to her describe what's happening her but she couldn't see it she knew she when she thought about it she knew it happened but she couldn't see it couldn't visualize it so I took her back to about eleven years old and she remembers being hit by a bike hit by hit by a car on her bicycle she still couldn't see it though she could hear it in her mind she can hear it yeah she could smell the grass but she couldn't see that what happened brought her back further she was three years old now she falls out of a van she sees the Vans like come on now she's able to see something she sees that the Vans like she sees her father getting out of the van walking towards her picking her up and says I don't see anything wrong and this got stuck in her head now she couldn't visualize anything wrong and the problem we were dealing with was she was being raped by her father repeatedly to Sheila's bled to death repeatedly he raped her but because she couldn't see anything wrong which she remembered she wasn't he remember the scene so it made her feel guilty because he got caught yeah never did see the inside of a jail though but they found out about his family did because she almost bled to death like I saw it but she couldn't absolutely see it so it had guilt and that guilt make her almost manic about trying to get him to approve of her and that colored heard that color her bad fact it probably took her to her death she wound up being an addict and she wound up dying at 49 years old because she got past that but it had so much nonsense had to be had piled on because one thing leads to another to another to another and there's so much of it it was on her that she could get out from under it and by 49 she was gone it's pretty crazy you know and she was a good heart big heart she didn't want to ever hurt anybody she matter of fact I told her she'd come from a whole other planet when I met her cuz she acted like everything was all the world was loved you know but as she got older things would key in as they say in Dianetics things would key in like different aspects different aspects maybe a boyfriend might have pushed her or hurt her or something yeah anyway so it more and more stuff got on top of that baggage and it cost her sanity really yeah any forty nine years old the picture I have I wish I had it to work and put it up with people got a rod and did that book texture I have she looks at least 80 and she's 749 so really the drugs by the time she died she she had cancer narcolepsy just a multitude of [ __ ] liver issues kidney issues heart issues yeah just trauma just just it ate her life yeah yeah yeah so you know when people talk about like an addict or I don't see addicts like that I see him as sick all right with I don't see a weak person that can't take care of themselves I see like trying to kind of mask the pain and the answer is as I tell a lot of them when I deal with addicts here in there you got to face it if you find fear you got to face that you got to walk through it one way or another whatever happens happens the other thing to remember is never be never be never have guilt and never never look down on yourself for the past because like myself we're doing a lot of off-color stuff I don't feel bad about that I don't not proud of it right forgive yourself forgive others yeah well it's like I'm not proud of it but I'm proud of where I've come from yeah you learn overcame that yeah that's why it all should be if you make a mistake you come out of it you worked it out one way or another she'd be that should be a badge of honor mm-hmm yeah you don't still stand it as opposed I had that problem now I'm worthless yeah like some of the best things come out of the worst absolutely I think so yeah I think I didn't pay a post on Facebook like that it's like the best memories I've ever had was when the universe had me by the throat yeah because that's when you really see who you are you know yeah when you get to where nothing else can fit you help you like no distractions you can get yourself distracted enough to be did not have to deal with it you have to deal with it head-on come out strong you know I agree power well this went really quick [ __ ] well okay well this is an interesting thing it's like I said intuitively I didn't think this guest was gonna actually make the connection I'm sure there was a good reason but I don't know what it is at them but at the moment but I didn't think it's gonna happen but I I just just didn't listen to it barren [ __ ] didn't happen so there we go anyway now we have to in this little trip we'll be changing our times to Saturday I'll be putting out what time and that of course you can access this also on YouTube it's called us us of course you've seen you probably saw the logo anyway when you go there watch the videos if you want there's a few there and they'll be more every day or all the time but don't forget to subscribe and don't forget to push the damn where you like it or you don't you can put it you can put that you don't if you want whatever whatever but uh like Sarah better do that [ __ ] yeah like so better absolutely anyway Wow this is Brittany I didn't introduce it but you probably knew she was I'm Robert Caruso I'm think I'm on wherever that stuff is anyway we're intuitive you can get ahold of me for reading some such at four six nine five four six eight oh one seven or go to my website robertcarusoonline.com
Robert Caruso Intuitive