May 19, 2020
Discussion with Tony Cecala long time practitioner of the metaphysical arts. And a expert in Avatar power technique. Robert Caruso, Bridget Higgins co host
did I roll pretty hard yeah I beat our Bell for not in the Arbitron so I was pretty it was pretty big bill yeah I was they sandwich me between a guy that liked to talk about projectile diarrhea oh it's bad [Music] welcome your yeah us we call it us because it's all about us and what that means is we're in this together all the nonsense going on around us is because we haven't been we're in this together in the sense of like the Olympic rings to where we're linked individuals linked together to create an actual thing beam whatever the reason we're in the position we're in is because we've weakened it we allowed people to lord over us we allowed them to see us as subjects as opposed to equals we'd allowed ourselves to just lay down and let them lord it and tell us what to do that kind of nonsense as opposed to showing our strength and standing up for what matters like the guy that gets arrested for growing vegetables in his yard or the people drinking nan said you know crap water in Flint this stuff doesn't have to happen and shouldn't be and it wouldn't be if everybody stood up like they should that's what this is all about now in this show what it's about is it's metaphysically based in the fact that this kind of where I'm coming from I'm a career psychic intuitive whatever you want to call it I've been in the business about 32 years in that time I've seen a lot of changes in the consciousness of the people around me and in our country and really global we're at a point where things are changing as we can see by looking around it isn't it's just destruction isn't into the world it's the end of the world as we know it what that means it's a conscious change when the Mayan calendar talked about the 2012 change they weren't talking about all of a sudden everybody being telekinesis or what the hell you call that telepathic under that nonsense what it meant is a change of consciousness some people were calling it the feminine energy which is where you start coming from the heart from the intuition from spirit vibration and things outside of the physical using those things outside of physical field to navigate the physical realm I suppose the laying down like some dead dog or some were wounded dog and let somebody beat you okay so that's what we're here to do what we'll do every week we'll have somebody here as a guest that will be doing just that we'll be helping people find their strength so that they can be a stronger link in the collective once the collective becomes strong these suit with suit wear and megalomaniacs wouldn't have the power that they have now if everybody would stand up and they know they will did that the people will do it they'd shut up more often and probably tell the truth once in a while it ain't happenin now but as you see in some parts of the world you'll see that people has gotten a little strong with things and the politicians are starting to change their tune just a little bit at a time well we got to do more of that and that's how it has to be in the future laying down hugging trees until whenever you love them is awesome but it ain't all that's here it ain't all that what we need to be doing we need balance we need the the the intelligence and the understanding of a spirit or a focus in a vibration we need the strength of courage and we need the conscious understanding of things so instead of going off the cuff on some fear tangent and throwing a fit and yelling at each other and calling people dirty names you know you think about think you through a first second make your point in a quiet way and walk the hell away from it but it's all important also for us to link together against things like the Flint situation or the guy that gets arrested because he's catching water at his house or the injustice or the little kid getting beat up by a cop or the the cop being beat up by these people or whatever whatever but the idea we all need to stand up now the guest that we'll have here will be although I metaphysical in my intent it's not going to be a lot of the Oh what you would call the the furry stuff the fuzzy stuff it's more about people that are like the guests we have now he does a thing that helps people get stronger in their own intent strong in their own in their own spirit and their their approach to life that's what this stuff is all about and that's what this is all about so that's why we're here every week my co-host is Brittany all right she's here every week sits to counterbalance because I'm gonna Scarola and she's not anyway today we have a really cool guest because I got into the DFW market I guess you'd say as far as psychic stuff and intuitive stuff is concerned back when they would throw rocks at you it was not cool back then I was getting death threats the whole thing and to find someone that did what I did you had to pretty much know somebody or know where to look well this guy his name's Tony sakala he he had one of those things he had this thing the holistic networker and there were other publications but this one covered more ground than any of the others and the that and they have the Wellness Expo stills right yes yeah but the coolest thing I really like and it's up to him how much he wants to talk about it he does the avatar and back in 1979 I found a book I come out of the Marine Corps a total horrible knuckle dragger all about women fighting in drugs I read that book and it started me thinking that there's a whole new way of looking at things that we're not necessarily shown and the avatar I just read that book and how I only took how long it took me to read it because I was chasing women but but the thing I read it and there was enough in there that I got out of it that it made me start thinking and those were in those terms any well talk to him now his name is Tony cicala and there you go buddy so how long you did the avatar I mean you're like I'm Avatar master masters the the word we use it that's it that's a person who can take a person through the avatar course it's a guided training lasts for nine days now that's nine days there's a lot to devote yourself to but yeah think about how important the rest of your life is put in those nine days unimaginable what ends up coming out at the other side and and the course is basically a guide through your own blueprint of your mental models what's going on inside your head how you see it how you see them yeah and and the questions that are asked and that's really what we do we help ask the right questions because we've studied the materials and the materials are written by a man named Harry Palmer and Harry was a teacher and an entrepreneur for many years but he studied enough throughout his life and his boys climber was to do this you know he obviously had other lifetimes he talked about himself you don't know much about Harry you know about the materials and that's the way it should be he's not a guru yeah the way because the materials should lead you know what happens when someone becomes good well then he goes in an ego aspects and you know you know you take your material and you've you know what it usually happens I see is that people make create just material good material but eventually it becomes you know what I create that material I created that material materials all about me I'm the one that might you know it starts going that direction and I didn't see that with the avatar you know no Harry gets out of the way I mean he's that's what it's all about about the material he's about the person you know and as a tower master you know you're taught okay how do you put your attention on the student and help them rise again it's not about you it's about Steve and so it's it's the most rewarding thing that anyone can do they guide someone through so is it based on like a keel kyun anything or is it a meditative thing well that's the thing about Avatar me there's so much that you can explore yourself there's a book be called the resurfacing and that is a series of thirty exercises that will take you can experience what avatar is about exercises and you'll take a walk and notice things when you say take a walk you time I go walking inner wall you'll see things differently because you notice this they do notice that little things like that and then there are thirty different exercises you can explore you know and that's the resurfacing workshop that's the first two days of the avatar course that you can do by yourself at home yeah it's better that you in a group and now we're doing them on zoom' which is crazy very nice now would you say that would help to reduce the reactive aspects for example you know a lot of people you can almost tell to what level they're doing it but a lot of people do a lot of their day reactively not actively at all you say like there's you know there's people that I see every now and then and it's natural human behavior it's nothing you can normally look down on or anything like that cuz hell I do it too you know as much as not as much as I want to more than I want to do you say but you take these you get an input some kind of stimulus and then you react to it and you don't you think about maybe you take a couple minutes the thing that's like what was that about you know what I'm saying really I think that's why we're here because when we started evolutionary like being the evolution variable say we started say we would go way back to the one cells or whatever we start with instinctual behavior and we start with reacting to with stimulus on the outside and reacting very quickly now he's going into a more complicated minds and bodies and connection to yes then now it's important to act not react right now we're actually in the middle of that don't you think we're at a point where we got half our people are reacting off their ass and other people are going now wait a minute we need to do this we need to do this what you do do this but then it's going back and forth and what it is it's the to me it's the kind of like the seesaw thing you know you've got the faction that's really kind of destructive which is really reactive thinking is it's kind of destructive because there's no thought in it and it's doing this eventually what this consciousness change is doing eventually it's going to it's going to overpower to where the consciousness the higher consciousness will start to take more more control of what's going on that's what it's all about you know to move up from the bodily needs what Maslow talks about your physical needs you know from the bodily needs to to move into the mental so that we can think our way through and then to move into the spiritual realm the spiritual realm is right here right we say oh we're gonna go out you know but it's here it's right here we are engaging in it but the different levels of consciousness you know they're all the different spheres and so if you can start to operate as a spiritual being start to use your heart and your spiritual compassion the course helps you develop compassion helps you to develop gratitude to be able to use those other domains then you're operating outside of this physical and spiritual the animal domain or the mental the intellectual domain where it's actually step up from the animal but now instead of like fighting with the hands we're fighting with words right so the spiritual domain is like hey how can I help you how can I help you see that wrong how could we work this out together right so what would you do with a person like via zoom I know you said there's a few things we can do on our own what would you maybe do with someone well yeah if you do the resurfacing / zoom I mean you're gonna do every one of those 30 exercises you know and the first exercises it's pretty amazing you fill out a personality profile and whatever I come from and that profile helps to take you to a place where now suddenly you're looking at your life in a bigger picture we say but you're widening back you're looking and and then we help an advanced avatar trainer we'll look through a little bit debriefing is a big part of the experience I should take a walk in so we help people to have realizations and I said the whole course is you're just full of realizations your mind quiets my brother and you know he's mine stopped for the first time and he comes from a family of lawyers so they're debating right know mentalities that he was just I mean yeah we'll see that's the thing I think everything's kind of there's a pattern with everything from global to the individual you see like you're saying you're letting you're starting to you do these paths you observe and you see what's going on and really I think what you ended up doing is understanding your mental language is that right you understand your belief systems yeah uncover why are the beliefs that are driving your life yeah when you discover them then you can own and so many times you don't even know it always yeah that's exactly like it's not long ago I'm sure she don't mind cuz she doesn't even Gianna she know I know single names anyway I was talking this lady and one of her biggest problems was that her husband had cheated on her like over and over and over for like 20 years and she left him is she was totally tore to pieces man a woman to talk to her she just start crying at any moment you know and I said to her I said so you know y'all split up you know she'd be getting a little past us you know she goes well it just reminds me that I'm not I wasn't woman enough for him and I said what the hell's that mean and she goes well I wasn't woman enough to keep my man really I said well what's woman enough and she stammered a bit and had no frickin clue and I said okay what would you have to do to be woman enough I said you'd sleep with a fella yeah just talk to him y'all get along okay yeah we never find hung out with the kid did a little barbecue whatever yeah so what would you done different to be woman enough she goes I don't know nothin I see you must be woman enough already then right yeah maybe he broke his promise maybe he wasn't man enough she got her house back everything's all different now all she needed was that to realize that she was going by a belief system that wasn't even hers you know yeah pretty nuts man but it's cold that's what we're doing is to break out of that reactive behavior and start thinking it's right you know so I think I never up to you baby did I oh no you're fine I'm assuming it helps you become tap more into your intuitiveness and oh I mean for every person it's a different experience you know certainly you can tap into your intuition because again you quiet your mind so quieting your mind helps you to be more intuitive some people will notice that some people different yeah whatever you need like maybe one exercise thing that you do for example oh yeah we you know one of the exercises and the resurfacing there's an exercise so there's so many fun exercises you can take someone I mean really taking a walk and people to notice something for something so just teaching someone how to get out of their head so much they cover different ground but course is about attention management that's about where's your attention that's where your reality is you discover you can control your attention you know stopping your mind by focusing more physical world I mean that's one of the ways and it's very profound fascinating yeah well that's one of the reasons I was thinking about cheese because the avatar like I said that little book I don't know where I got the damn book you know I got the magazine this feels different this is amazing yeah I was reading through it and it had a couple techniques to work on and and I thought wow this is weird I get this book and I just did it because it was between whatever else I was doing at the time and I started realizing it had to kind of change my whole thinking you know it was the beginning you know before I knew I had to do this you know saying yeah it's very transformative I mean you can just read the book I mean there are several books how has it changed very much over time really I mean probably every exercise is the same from Harry Road in 1987 but the way we teach it stood for it now we said now we can little bit more streamlined probably do it on zoom I mean it's basically we've had to change you know as avatar things you know to learn how to do it more effectively and you know we go back for trainings regularly our game to make sure we're doing it you know and and in this consciousness that we've experienced you talk about consciousness evolving we've experienced you know in the in the early days you could barely get through that first course there's crying in tears you know and now people go through the nine days that's like zoom through and then at for the first ten years kids really weren't expected to do the course yeah you know kids are gonna be running around now two and three year olds go through the you know what it is though it's like it's the collective consciousness as it changes things get more possible kids now are more intuitive than they've ever been they're smarter than they've ever been when you handed me a laptop when I was 4 or 5 years old ain't no freakin way he'll dang do it that good at it now you know but the consciousness changes and then pretty soon everything is more possible do you know what I'm saying so their kids are smarter yeah I mean what is that little girl having a fit right now over climate change Gretchen Gretchen grata is it Greta Greta yeah I mean when would you ever in when I was a kid I wouldn't see nobody 16 years old you know nationally raising all the hell she's raising you know and agree with her or not chuckle of cojones to do that mm-hmm you know and she had the what global consciousness to to even be important to her well you know again talk about the beliefs you know her folks were involved in you know from the beginning and you know she was imprinted with you know hey let me be more conscious and in fact I think it was her uncle or great-uncle who was the person who connected co2 with climate change all I didn't know that that's where they're coming from I have a different take on and we may get into that I have a lot of topics I wanted to talk them through it what's good in adapt then well yeah well you know there's a strong belief in the collective you know that co2 is causing yeah you know and but there's another side to it and you know before you label someone as a denier yeah let's look at the science you know and and I started following a website called suspicious observers org and this fellow Ben was a lawyer and did some science to he did some research in GEMA chemical whatever development biological development he's genius you know he's running this website and running this YouTube channel that every morning looks at the Sun and says what's going on on the Sun you know are there sunspots where are we in the cycle we all familiar with the 11-year sunspot cycle but there's also a 400 year I think it's 400 and it's Welf thousand year and when you put them all together you begin to look back in time geologically and see that the Sun has had a tremendous effect on the atmosphere and the IPCC it's a national standards body that says hey this is the model for climate change oh they they never looked at the Sun they said oh well look look at a radiance or something like that but it turns out that there's cosmic rays articles there's a whole flow of coming from this side and different electromagnetic everything changes right so when you discover that it turns out the Sun is driving the climate and it's called solar forcing sure yeah yeah that makes sense right and so unfortunately you know for people going down a path of thinking well it's all co2 we're to blame yeah we're to blame for pollution pollutions happening and it turns out that here's the kicker the 12,000 years cycle is actually a catastrophic cycle so the Sun does this thing you know and what happens is it it destroys much of the earth doesn't that something to do with a global tilt - exactly well yeah so as it goes to a certain point and that Sun hits is different well what happened is it's part of a three things that then talks about and they all intertwined the universe is a plasma universe in other words it's not gravity that's doing it is more like electromagnetic connections between the galaxies and between the Sun and the earth so these electromagnetic connection this plasma universe actually is the underpinning so you have to understand a little bit of that and you can understand the solar forcing the climate change and then you can understand the catastrophic changes he's got three movies documentaries like an hour long you know explain that so it turns out that the magnetic poles they're shifting South Pole anymore and when they move fast stuff is happening and that's a sign magnetic all the magnetic belts around us they've dropped in strength from a hundred percent like say in the eighteen hundreds they've gone down like fifteen or twenty percent and it's accelerating so then that's another signal that something's happening yeah well it also causes a natural evolution right like I remember back in forever ago I heard somebody was saying he goes well there's gonna be a point where they're gonna be no polar bears but they'll be Grizzlies that are may need with polar bears because that ice thing will change and it's happening but it isn't because we're driving too many cars or the cows got gas you know it's not another that it's it has to do basically with the day what you're saying is the change you know in solar or solar or whatever solar cycle yes I like galactic cycle and what they discovered is the galactic cycle said well if this is happening and starting from the center of the galaxy my start to understand how the plasma universe works it's fascinating because the connections are amazing but well if this were to happen let's look closer to the center of the galaxy and see if these other stars are being hit they going over and they actually are yeah so that was a mind-blowing realization in the last couple months yeah so you go back to the Mayan calendar thing that was actually a lot of that Mayans the ruins and everything are all lined up you know their own way you know I'm saying oh they're all lined up so they had a certain amount of understanding back then a lot of people think it's because the interaction with aliens whatever and does good chance it could have been mm-hmm but that's what that counter is all about everything was gonna change there was a completely shift coming this is where we are now but the panic is it's all our fault do you see it's all fault okay now we're scared it's all our fault ever get out of it so we got a we got to depend on who the hell else you know then we wind up in the ditch twenty twelve when it first came out if you go back and see us on Netflix 2012 talks about a catastrophe that will happen even mentioned the scientists scientist who was involved actually a CIA agent who ended up becoming a professor at Columbia posed as a professor and he set the whole industry does that whole field of science sideways he created a theory that was kind of right but kind of wrong that was easily disproved and so no one studied cat cataclysmic science and after that right and so this movie outlines exactly what's happening twisted a little bit but instead of 2012 2046 you know he's heard he's a poem he's got a hell of a poem I think it's it's kind of called a thought or something like that it's a excellent I didn't think he had it in him you know yeah really fascinating because he's all about that uh you know eating raw food you know he says he doesn't want to he doesn't want to be in the living room because living is loving and loving is under a tree watching animals or something like that it's very cool there's a lot more to the guy than one day show I'm sure he's had some evolution oh absolutely right during the nonsense with the Kennedy all that really yeah yeah I probably sure he had to think that one through so as you teach these people the Avatar thing how do you think it would change generally change their approach to life handling life yeah it's a good way that's what we say we give people handles on life and so after the tools you know you're able to look at you know how's my life going is it going the way I want this is if there's a problem with health ships money you know you can look at that and say okay well so what are my beliefs about money and you know and I've done the belief about money many many times and it's always changing you know like well what is my relationship with my you know and so over time over thirty years you can see that evolve and well what is it well you can always tell by what's in the reality so what are your experiencing about money yeah if you go back far enough you'll find the original belief you know someone told me money is the root of all evil yeah well my dad would step on his mother to get some money you know what I'm saying so that's where I came from that kind of nonsense and it never really made sense to me I remember years ago man I walked out in the garage I was with wife number three and I walk in the garage I had this brand new Mustang had like seven miles on it she had a brand new Honda of some sort I can't remember and I thought man it's like 1,200 bucks on a month to get to the 7-eleven right I said I'm thinking of going the wrong way here you know so now I ride a motorcycle yeah and the thing about it is I started realizing how how much it really doesn't matter to me anymore like when I think of money like you know like I'm monetizing this right but it isn't because I want to have something I'm sorry anyway but the thing is is now it's got to the point where I don't see the point in anything in buying a bunch of stuff you know what I'm saying and now money to me simply means airline tickets it's that focus because that's all I care about it I wanted to get around you know I'm saying like we'll be doing some of these from India in Thailand Vietnam places like that so you know you change your your approach because I realized at one point I was going for the money because it was a way to identify myself do you say I'm doing this because I'm this well screw that doesn't work that well yeah so there's no there's no there's no there's no topping it off you know what I'm saying yeah you're always reaching you're always trying to figure it out or burying yourself in the hope you understand oh yeah and all you got to do is tell the Frick out it'll come on its own I mean really plentiful sure body those beliefs everything comes to you that's the way it's been with our businesses you know seeking to support the community with the magazine and that with the Wellness Expo yeah you know what is best for the community what is best then the universe right like like well I was doing I was when I figured on this as i'ma go to all areas of the world and show how people approach their spirituality how deal with how they deal with their own Invo development you know like I said this vegetarian festival in Thailand and they impale themselves there now the reason they impale themselves so that they can identify that they detached enough from the body that turned to connect to spirit now it's not my bag I ain't poking myself or nothing but that's how they do right and like a lot of people I mean some people will do it like walking on fire you know whatever whatever but it's all how you connect but it's all comes to the same thing everybody's trying to figure out a way to stand up a little stronger and that's really what it's about when everybody stands up a little stronger they stand up together stronger then you overcome the adversities and all the fear all the craziness you know what I'm saying oh yeah so well you've started introduction really eluding through what's happening and the weirdness that's happening in the world I thought we would be talking about that for most of the conversation because it really has captured everyone's point of view okay how are we living this world you know when this suppose a virus you know pandemic is changing all our lives and you know from what I can tell from your introduction I know where you're coming from I mean really you've got people who believe they're free and empowered to experience their life and make choices for themselves not making many choices at all I mean when you're told to sit Almond obey and you know hard for me asking the questions you know it's not about you know rebelling you know from from authority you know because there there are there are things that you want to you know take into consideration and certainly concern for others concern for the frail in our society sure people who are dying but you know scale of it do the numbers those people died from the flu mostly people who are scheduled you know to influence and so you know where do you stand there's a health question there's a power question and both of those are you know important but it's really I think it's shown people what where they where their belief systems are you know just guessing now you know I mean this guy doesn't want to wear masks this guy he's wearing a mask this guy is not going out this guy's supporting the governor this guy's pointing out how the governor's you see from my point of view I don't feel like it's right for the I have a reservation on this the right for the government to tell you to sit in your house okay but the idea would be to put out the the man not mandate but the guideline that you need to keep your distance maybe have the and stuff also work that out like separate the tables of restaurants or something like that that makes sense because if you're doing a business where you got people coming in you do whatever's necessary to make it a little better you see but it needs to be on an it on an individual basis meaning I ain't gonna be told to do anything you know and if but the thing is I don't do anything anyway I'm not really social anyway but the point is I'll do what it takes to make sure it doesn't hurt no one do you see but at the same time it's my responsibility to take care of if I'm gonna get it and it's somebody else's important responsibility to take care if they're going to get it right responsibly I hit all those criterias that you're supposed to get it if you got this and that and you know wait a shoe I'm a 62 now and got died about it I'm diabetic right and I ain't get cuz I ain't freakin doing it you see and that's just my attitude but the thing is I ain't afraid of it because I just won't get it but the other thing is us I still am cognizant enough of what's going on to keep my distance you know I probably won't wear a mask cuz I don't think it helps but I ain't gonna breathe on nobody directly either you know what I'm saying exactly you know it really comes down to where's the data right the first who was modelling it said it would be this much well it turned out the models were way wrong yeah so that person you know stepping back and being fired or whatever you know that person caused the powers-that-be they had an agenda I believe to go ahead with whatever they were doing anyway because if you had looked at internet in October 17th or 18th they came out with this event 201 I've heard of that it's a video Johns Hopkins and the World Economic Forum and the Bill Gates Foundation you know they work together to do this what if there's a pandemic oh wow you know I mean it's true it's very bright people plan ahead you know they do but I mean this is the timing is uncanny and exactly what they plan for but it kind of makes you go wait a minute dude did you predict that or did we have an idea because the brothers have been gates he's always been a type of Monopoly lover he want like they suit him at one point because he was trying to be a monopoly with with Microsoft and I got to thinking okay he spent in all these years talking about depopulation okay well I get it you know he probably would be a good idea okay and then he gets into these vaccines which he's getting in a lot of trouble over India yeah they're actually soon they're bringing them up on charges and and really the thing is is this is really I think is really true once somebody gets to a point in their consciousness where they think they're a little smarter than everybody you know they know what to do even though the people I know to do what they need to be doing then we have a problem cuz the brother he never been the guy at the McDonald's you know so to him it's just maybe the speculation but maybe they're not quite as important do you say oh yeah my wife says to me every day she says when I hear about the depopulation agenda I want to say maybe you want to volunteer first you know you know the Georgia Guidestones said we should keep population at a 500 million or less yeah for a balanced Natural Balance ever heard of the Georgia guys but you know he did that then he gets into the vaccines and these people started paralyzed and getting all these sicknesses in Africa and he doesn't think it matters because those people are poor people I mean those people barely surviving and I heard that his his mentality on that was like well we gave them vaccines because we want them to have two healthy kids so they won't make so many that's not how that works those people make all those kids because that's what they do you know you have some cultures that a lot of kids is the answer some don't but these are cultures so just because what we got to that's gonna work gonna they're gonna make it so I said yeah probably not probably not you bring up a good point I mean culture is so valuable to be a German person to be a Spanish person to be English changes your whole you know and and these cultures have developed over the years and I think if you look closely at the agenda that's coming forth it's to blend everybody together and so world yeah yeah that's scary oh stuff there man but anyway what I was gonna say was so he gets involved in these vaccines then you hear I know I can't compare verify it but supposedly he was doing some testing here and then it got DeeDee authorized or something they shifts it to China and then we have bad things happening now if I was to depopulate someplace I would take out the sick I would take out the elderly and I'd take out the people that weren't doing their job if I was that much of a duck of an animal so who's dropping so is it a design is it somebody's prediction speculation now yeah and I'm thinking yeah that's exactly right I mean what the hell knows you know we don't know exactly look if you take a look at the possibility that a cataclysm will come within the next twenty seven years then maybe those people have a plan you know right as people are trying to figure out how to save humanity of course everyone's viewpoint is I'm doing the right thing for the world everybody's everybody so then you learn that in Avatar you look if you're justifying your belief for doing certain things oh I'm justified in doing this thing stealing or killing then you know you have an integrity problem right what it is like like I said I always tell people I was raised by wolves and metaphorically speaking I was right but it wasn't because they were bad people it's because that's how their thinking was was created how they can create how they were conditioned you say so really they're a learned if there are no bad people even say say oh I was true that we were stuff we were saying about gates and all that say that was true I don't know it is how I'm just thinking you know nobody knows you can wonder about it but is he doing it because if that was true if a person was doing that would they be doing that because they just want to jack people up or do they really believe that this is gonna save the world right that's the now the person that's got the money he's not having a financial problems he's health he's not gonna get sick he ain't worried about that damn virus you know what saying but the people that are tripping that are barely hanging on they are but you know you know saying oh yeah well you see the world from your perspective yeah from what you know what you know and so whether it's karma is Dharma but look he's born into this billionaire family he's dead he's born into a billionaire family figures you know they were grooming him for this the other thing is though if you come from a place of privilege you tend to see opportunity more readily than if you're the inner-city kids trying to figure out how to get his next sandwich you know what I'm saying and so your whole approach to everything is going to be different but see that's where the problem was because a lot of the people that are in charge of us are people of privilege or to some degree and once they get up there and they're up there long enough then they feel like a person to privilege and the rest of people are almost always you know they don't understand how we live way I look at it I think I got this from Harry you know it's not about like who's in power or like how do they become a power but really they're it's the organized versus the disorganized yeah it's like you know we try to figure out you know how to march on Washington you know we can barely do that but I mean these people have figured out you know how that military how to get a world governance system in place the United Nations the World Health Organization no one's heard of it yes thing but they're so powerful and and the banking the bank you says you look at where the money comes from every single country that's been like attacked and overrun in the last 20 30 years well people were gold people who they were not part of the plan they weren't part of central banking and then afterwards they became part of the central banking system and once you have control of a nation's money by the nation yeah so and the hell of it is we there's control over the money but there really isn't any money oh there's a couple key strokes right now it's all a belief the belief yet there's no gold anymore it's just this idea in printing trillions now hey you know we thought whatever 800 billion was a big deal in 2008 I mean now they're printing trains like it's nobody's business yeah and so you know you can see where it's you know where it's coming from this belief in money that is important and there's a book the creature from Jekyll Island he talks about this created the central banks you see that when you discover that and you realize where what's happening you have a little more compassion for conspiracy theorists because these people are going step further yeah the thing is is a little bit or thought you know oh yeah a service fiercely there is great but sometimes you keep a little tough on you you know like like the Flat Earth thing for my opinion come on really you know I think there's been a really fantastic siop or psychological operations that thrown in because know what you're doing you can instill a weird beliefs like the Flat Earth and they come out with these theories and of course people who want to believe all the weird stuff I mean and believe me the weird stuff is more interesting absolutely it's fun there's a lot of documentaries out right now they're like the full cabal and pandemic movie and stuff like that that kind of explains all these conspiracy theorists seeking media when you would discover that the mainstream media is owned by like six companies yeah you know and then when you read through WikiLeaks emails you know when you discover that Hillary was taking you know commands and orders she said I had a client that used to work in the White House with Obama and again this is just what she said I'm gonna use her name but she saw CSIS as he's pretty good right he's good guy and she goes he's nice enough but he's kind of weak I said really cuz she says yeah those guys push him around and he doesn't say anything unless they tell him to yeah she's pointing out that's why he froze with that teleprompter thing remember he was watching the telephone for him did it malfunctioned jacked him up people who studied numerology and jama'ah if you've ever want to go down a rabbit hole jama'ah is the study of how words and letters create the reality so will they do yeah yeah and so when you look at the numerology and then gematria different words you know Democrat and Republican they seem gematria number and the United States has been built on some of these foundations and so when you discovered that discovery there's a pretty deep rabbit hole yeah well you know what the thing is though whether it's a number a sound a color a rock there's all a vibrational frequency on every damn thing and so I have in the years that I've been doing what I do I started off like everybody else you know I read a few tarot cards and you know this sort of that had these little techniques I used to use and now I get it a talk I don't have any techniques or don't use cards I think I use my cards once a month somebody likes to look at it but the point is what I've realized has I got as I become done this more and more as I've noticed the vibrational frequency aspects so somebody can come to me completely just wasted and all I got to do is tell them a few things you can see them wake up you know it's done that to be anything important it could be something as simple as well maybe you're done with that now yeah yeah then they're finally starting to get up and ends up happening their vibration comes up they start seeing possibilities in their life and then they're good then they go outside the mother slaps in the round or whatever and they go down again you know what I'm saying there's actually a quantum physicist it was talking about if you're in a line in a grocery store and you've got somebody standing behind you this and it's really burning or having a big problem you'll actually feel it and not know it and I know that's true and so it drags you down so the idea is when you pull away you have to bring it back up do you see it's just all all fluid yeah well as a universe you know each of us when you look at the chakras like a donut you know and it comes out just recently they discovered more proof for university shaped like a donut yeah and it's pretty fascinating how stars and galaxies you know the interesting thing about that is like I do the Munich II writes and it's it's originated in South America in the Andes and that sort of thing and it's used they use a doughnut rock for that it's called a pie stone and they find them just everywhere down there and then they found him in the Himalayas because apparently there's these characters were in the Himalayas first and after three thousand years they walked their ass down to Peru in that area I guess they took the rocks with them or they made some more I don't know how that worked but the point is you're saying in the universe is a is a donut well that's what they Wow that's where that's coming from and we're talking dude centuries away yeah they did you know what that's because they live by that they live by energy they live by by spirit by observance and that's how they had to live they didn't have somebody telling them what to do necessarily yeah the guy that told him what to do is he wasn't telling what to do he's tell them how to do it do you see like I'd done a lot of shamanic stuff and basically shamanic stuff isn't about I'm gonna fix you shamanic stuff is this is how you handle it you see which is really what this is all about you know and that's what this is all about this thing this podcast thing is to have possibilities techniques ideas something that allows people to get just a little more muscle you know a little less fear a little more insight you know the ability to act instead of react that's what this stuff is all about man have we had any questions well when I tried to check then this it made the sound weird yeah it looks like it is needed actually the speaker try to click on that's what happens oh I'll have to figure out something else next time yeah all right well so this pandemic thing do you think it's something that somebody didn't screwed up or you think it's some Universal thing you know both I think I can speculate you know I think it's a great awakening you know or everyone to say okay what's happening you know playing a part whether you believe governor's have the best interest in you right for you and the ball well what are you doing about it you know I first when I heard about it now I think my wife and her and I were way ahead you know I was telling people in January this thing's coming you know I told people I told the clients in my was like here they heard of this she's like no I'm like what are you kidding me yeah it's like you know so I think we've been watching John this fellow and Bert Great Britain now he was a teacher talking about for a while and so you know we had our masks before masks or sold out you know we had we have a solar panel ready to roll we have no electric power you know if the grid goes down you know we've been preparing win it we think of ourselves as Preppers you know what could happen survivors just common sense you know when you see what could be you know maybe we should and I was concerned at first you know and then a couple weeks later like in February I realized wait a second I was sick in January twice a lot of big fever I was down for a while a weird fever you know but maybe I had they came in from New York you know talked about I would like get out in New York they were coming here right now accelerate move it up and they moved it up and like the next day that locked yeah and you know they probably had it and so we're survivors you know and now I'm unconcerned you know cuz I'm not worried about it at all yeah matter of fact even the the damage it does to our population I don't think it's what it we're hearing for real I think it's maybe a quarter of that the rest is just you know the person is dying of a heart attack but he's got this Cove it so he that's what he died of that kind of you know I was in the 89 I remember telling somebody man after 2010 man it's just gonna hit the fan I see you gonna want to buy a freaking t-shirt when the shit's done I've been through it what are you talking about this is what it's feeling we're gonna get wicked mm-hmm I mean I was talking riots and stuff like that we're on our way to that well well you know what happened in 1918 you know after that pandemic you know then people started having industry is falling apart you know whether it's the climate or other things they were blocking that too though governments was blocking that stuff you couldn't do that in your yard dude Washington's what I'm saying earlier I used to make me mad to think about it was he had his own pond he created it and he put him in jail she won't allow you to buy seeds I saw a report on that wasn't no yeah that was just recently but liquor stores are open yeah and the guy the guy a lot of people in Florida were growing vegetables in their yard and they were going to jail what is that this is what we're faced with you know to be able to be a sovereign human being well this is where we have to get the strength to say no exactly now we won't go to famine I can tell you that and I'll take a long days well beyond that you'll realize what kind of share would hit the fan if we started getting hungry I mean there's too many guns loose honest in this world man you know our kind of country is already pretty violent based not maybe not based but a lot of violence a lot of people that are ready to fight you start making people hungry it's gonna it's gonna get ugly absolutely we have a different viewpoint here in Texas you know we ranchers willing to stand up and say you know this is mine well that's actually our next guest this next time he's the head of the militia in Texas well but the cool thing about a lot of people think that they're like the American terrorists and it really not this guy that I'm talking about he always goes through law enforcement if at all possible and they he's really good about making sure that everything new is legal ethical stuff like those but he said when it gets raw everything changes the rules change you say when I was in 69 I was used to be drug into a basement my dad was a little bit nuts like that you should drag me in the basement of watch the John Birch Society people remember them those guys weren't had bazookas he buried in their yard yeah and they were playing when the Beatles but anyway these guys a little different these guys are a little bit more tuned in yeah and the cool thing about it they're not gonna get all half go off half-cocked so I really respect him and otherwise we wouldn't be here so but I think is gonna get like that I think it's gonna get hot enough that politicians are gonna start backing up a little they're already starting there's a few politicians here and there they're starting to change their attitudes just a little bit and like you're hearing Rand Paul really making a lot more sense he has before and there's a few like that I'm not gonna start naming names but the point is it's going to start saying okay yeah you know what that guys make it sense but this it isn't you know it's gonna start really contrasted I think what's going to be important is your neighbor making sense you know yeah your neighbor looking to rat you out cuz you maybe burst and walking too close to your girlfriend or boyfriend not wearing a mask that's gonna be a problem you know I think we have to develop more community-based outreach programs and you know if you have a community garden I think that's a lot of it too I think we need to get past we need to get past the need the government do for us like the homeless situation there's a private way to fix that the fan of the food issues it's a private way to fix that - you know it doesn't have to be government programs but a lot of our people are conditioned to say well the government has to change this you have to change that somebody said something bad to me so they have to be a law saying he can do that the answer is get strong enough so even if he says I won't matter do you say people are really starting to like you said the Great Awakening people are really starting to you know think about themselves more not like in a selfish way but how can I take care of myself and not depend on the government yes exactly being self-reliant versus it's kind of like you know you don't want the government to be your dad because if he was your dad he'd be abusive bastard so but we're at a time now man we hit the four the four right now so we're gonna have to roll but thanks for coming brother thanks for having me do you have a number or anything you want to put out oh yeah you know we're doing the Wellness Expo was rescheduled from April to July July 11th and 12th cool I'll be in town Wellness Expo dotnet thank you check it out and if you're in Houston we're doing one in Houston now expanding to Houston September 5th and 6th cool Wellness Expo all right awesome thank you so much anything you want to say absolutely I heard talk to her on the phone associate you need to be doing this man she says now anyway my name is Robert Crusoe professional intuitive my number is 972 oh it isn't my number is four six nine five four six eight oh one seven or you can go to Robert Crusoe I'm also on Facebook so hit me up there and other than that we'll see you next well talk to you next week what you can see through the camera and we'll have Rick light who's head of the Texas militia and we'll talk to him about you know his take on these things in what we're up against anyway everybody have a good day and there we go [Music]
Robert Caruso Intuitive