May 23, 2020
Texan Rick Light former commander of American Militia Bridget Higgins and me.
in the past 50 years my observation I've lost the we've lost the ability to drink clean water lessons from the bottle by whole milk and some states collect rainwater on our own property believe in the news media due to the corporation ownership of the information we never know if it's true being able to say anything without reprisal or without possibly being punished ability to grow things and our own property without being called cited or prosecuted voting was for the most part ethical ethical we never got arrested for leaving the house but now we eat food we aren't allowed to know what's in it were threatened with being forced to have poisons shot into our body without knowing what's in it or if it's harmful we can be snatched off the street and held in jail without due process if someone thinks you might be a terrorist or politically against them some are forced to have water to have water that they can't drink or even bathe in some political parties effectively prevent former some of our choices political for political art office within their own party political parties effectively prevent some of our choices for political office within our own party anyway IRS has been used as attack dog so is FBI now these are all things that's been going on for a while but it's in a point where it is it just has to be stopped but how do we do that we have to hang together not symbiotic like we're all one but like the Olympic rings we're linked by a cause to cause to make an ethical productive and a society that everybody can live with some ability to grow and progress we need to link our strengths for the noble cause of a better world for all our kids and there's think about that as you look at your children grandchildren we all have to get off the bench if you're healed or if your healer heal your advisor advice if you're an educator educate if God forbid at some point it's necessary if you're a fighter and be trained to fight as a repugnant as all that is sometimes it could be necessary right now we want to connect with our guests today is Rick light he's a militia Robert yes hang on what's that guardian I'm introducing you right at moment anyway he's a militia members been there called quite some time far as I can tell he'll say more about that here in a minute but he's here to talk about what a militia really is a lot of people have the wrong idea that there's some kind of Mad Dog gun fetish people and they're really not the people that are willing when things get bad if they were to get bad they're willing to step up as we all should there's no doubt that this paradigm shift is gonna happen there's no doubt that the consciousness is gonna raise and everything's gonna be okay but it's not gonna do it by itself luckily we still have some politicians with a stret threat of ethics police that are still here for the people all right now let's talk to our guest name is Rick light and let him tell you more about him go ahead Rick glad to be on the show sorry we're a few minutes late looks like everyone hand out okay somebody else with this huh yeah this is Britney I forgot to hi Randy are you doing it's Britney but that's okay I'm great to have you here well I thank you ma'am I guess as Robert pointed out at the beginning I've been a militia member for since 1994 there's everybody knows in the 90s we went miss Ruby Ridge Waco take off and it kind of woke people up in the nineties to understand that okay wait a minute we have a government that overstepping its bounds constitutionally and the more we check into the stories behind the bridge and let go we were starting to see us what we thought was the development of a police state here in America which you see now everybody can see it so a lot of things have changed within all those years since 1994 look okay in 1994 it's at people like me looking for ways to guard ourselves against the government you know it's quite obvious that Wow wait a minute if they can dim you up somewhere shoot your wife while holding the baby or burning you up in a building are you going to protect yourself with something like that so we started learning about our Second Amendment a lot of people think the Second Amendment solves I haven't runs it Bobby that's just a small portion of it the main reason the Second Amendment was penned by our founders which nation was that every citizen understood that they were the mainstay of their own safety that's why the Second Amendment is and a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State I'm going to stop there even though that's half way through it what's the militia start studying the militia and you see again our founders who weren't some men they were pretty intelligent people they actually left documentation and why they tend the Second Amendment that it is that you find in the Federalist Papers you also find a lot of quotes from unfounded of why they penned the Second Amendment the way they did and why they named mainly made us understood that every person is part of the Malaysia every citizen they steer in the United States is part of that militia that's necessary to the security of a free State devastated yet actually is one of the very few things it says necessary in it I mean think about that it was necessary to the security of a free State a well-regulated militia okay when what's well-regulated me no not controlled by the government well regulated means well-trained proficient in firearms so that way just like back in 1776 I don't know if anybody remembers the name Minutemen Minutemen with militia members yeah the reason why they would call Minutemen is because within one minute they could grab everything they needed and head out the door to us to engage the bridge in one minute now think about what we could be called these days with the stuff we've got yes it could be called 32nd man you can do it in half the time there's a lot better weaponry we've got a lot better equipment a lot of things a lot better than it was 117 parties one of the biggest things that people don't understand is the militia is not a game it's not a private game it's not meant to have these guys it's off in the Hills all by themselves do not say private gang that's a gang it's not a militia a malicious Berman's community it actually has a functionary community and that's to help with the security of the community I mean okay got a leak out to the sheriff you got to be able to communicate with all your elected officials which I know you know this Robert but I'm one of the very few people in taxes that actually got that done on a county loved it yeah 2011 me and my wife we actually were able to get accounting to accept a citizens militia we had a really well well rounded layout for it what its functions was and everything it got the backing is not only to sheriff it got the backing of the judge and the county commissioners no we didn't run around blaming wars that's not how you get that kind of stuff done I actually gave my wife the offers good will to it community love yeah Wow start again I'm a lot of militia members don't get that a lot of militia we seem to think it's their anger than their hate for the 7th of July but I Got News for that's either explosion the year when nothing our yeah you just don't learn nothing else with those kind of attitudes or which you could call negative things it's not something that's going to feed your community as I try to tell people you know if you think getting into the militia movements all about going the world with the government one day well you might be like that isn't really your main function the main function is to have a functioning militia in the county in case well the county gets in trouble flash flood we made it so it's not all about learning God you know it's another thing some of these guys need to get out of their head it's a lot about you can in the woods where them and doesn't die sorry you got to be able to get in there and for the community now I know some people out there have a really bad environment let's say they have an unconstitutional shirt okay there's a way around that you know if you offering goodwill to your community don't you think the community's finally going to ask the share okay what's your problem what's the problem with the militia here I mean you don't seem to want to to do anything with these guides at all because they're continuously doing good things for the community you know so what's your problem so there's other ways to deal with sheriff eventually you can get the sheriff elected out of their questions their work in some places labor not your rural communities they're still good to give you an example this covin stuff that popped off look at all the Covino boards popped up wow you talk about tyranny - oh there you go everybody sees it now yeah what August yeah it's kind of odd people really I'm really actually really proud of my elected officials we didn't do that here they like oh no we're not some there are citizens of throne people they're just possible milk alum watch off tell them what the guidelines are and we'll let them be responsible about themselves everything around here was blind voluntarily nobody's hands was forged yeah and we had a few cases and accounts of carry just didn't speak out seized power and tell everybody all know that this really lies in the name of this pirate they didn't do that here and that we're not the only County there's a lotta County here in calculus that did the same thing we did and other state so you know you're in one of those counties and stuff you know don't be afraid to patch your electives on the shoulder and on the back so if they didn't become closing overlords target that's what I call a mister closing over I just come here W yeah you're mayor and things like this and this is exactly why the militia was designed is to keep those people in check see those people lost their their checks and balances in your own body just second amendment work right well these don't you think a lot of that happens because they get up there long and not pretty soon they see the people is like subjects or serfs you know exactly and what their ego takes over megalomania takes over then they're not even thinking like human beings anymore you know what I mean and there's a lot of them probably don't even realize right well like I've actually I'm pretty intuitive and I got to listen in as some of the bill gates does stuff like this and what it's really apparent is the mentality of I know what's right for you I know how you should render on your life I know I need to keep track of you so you don't get yourself in trouble do you say but all that does a step of everybody involved exactly it destroys freedom liberty destroys the very structure with which this nation was founded upon right yeah yeah which I mean don't get it wrong or our country's history is a perfect by no means I mean look at what Native Americans went through look at what black people went through look at what japanese-americans had to go through there's other times in history where we learn we shouldn't be proud but we should be proud to learn from that to make it better so we don't do those kind of things to get the sad part is you notice that our elected officials don't see them they just don't the majority of them it's crazy it's like every elected official anymore has a real problem with following the rules called the US Constitution or their state constitution which they're found to and they take a note all of them step on every one of them even President Trump now I know what people hate me saying oh god we don't like President Trump though I support President Trump I'm gonna vote for president Trump but I know we're in the stomp on President Trump I'm not in fact yeah I'm not a Trump fan I am a trump supporter I praise the president when the president's right and does correctly Melissa but I don't have a problem we're stepping up and screaming at the president when he does things wrong in this because that has some things wrong equal has no business with the Second Amendment what does he do he does the bone stock people are like are you crying about bone stock no no no no it's nothing you're crying about crying about the facto President Gaetz our people have a tendency to kind of see thing kind of broad brushed in other words exactly they didn't see the danger of the bomb stocks wasn't spawn stop what's the VHF going to do right now do you semi-automatic they are right trying to make them machine gun automatic machine guns now folks and that was the danger of the focus on things me and that's what we was trying to tell you everybody back there but nobody wanted to listen they was too busy being a Trump fan and now fold here we got to be ATF trying to do exactly what we warned that would happen so there you take that farm stack bump stock use that bomb stock because it's not a machine gun it just induces them automatically to fire much quicker real close hey if they can get that outlawed then they can get you semi-automatic related to it real right quick real quick could you uh define bum stock some people wouldn't know that bomb stock is a device that is on a slide mail then it kind of connects to the back of your your the places you your but on your gun and because it slides as a slide thing that connects on the trigger then you pull the trigger the recoil goes back on the slide that makes your finger actuate the semi-automatic much faster I see Sarah mine you can do this there's a belt loop and some people are talented enough they just got the bump of the gun just right and they can hold the gun and bumps are it without feet and holding the bumper beltless have a lovely day so basically what they're trying to tell you is they're going to fan you've been able to bump fire you got and if they can't found that well then have to make some automatic machine guns and well would you take care of that right so just mister wings yep so that all this stuff is the main reason the second member was handsome that's what I'm trying to make is we have let our government convince us that if they had certain agencies out there that they control well then they can take care of your safety your security yeah we all know that that the line anything yeah since no how can you how can you process me from walking out the door you can't you know I could walk out the door I didn't have an enemy that just decided they didn't want me around anymore I could walk out by also get done that they can't stop that and then I can I can if I'm all right he that was that that was the reason that you know if I was penned it the way they did now you know did our founders give us a second amendment no they tended our founders believe in God so do you believe in God or not no this the founder says in our right to inherit from God and no man has the right to come in and step on daylight but look at what our government says every day you know reason why the reason why they do it is because the militias have not evolved enough now we've evolved enough we make them fret now when they try to do Bundy Bundy ranch style thing this is Waco style pain they they're learning that all right wait a minute they've got enough people that they can cause us trouble but folks we got to bring back the Second Amendment folks long because they have to show the things oh yeah oh yeah Oh Jason we've got all those agent sorry all right we've got politicians that want to get rid of the Constitution altogether I heard yeah I heard Obama himself say that Constitution is an unperfect document which it isn't but oh we have a lot of politicians are in bed with what we call a globalist no rain some people call it the New World Order's and I'm like well you know what it ain't new know it ain't new anymore it really just call it what it is one global because globalist thing yeah this one little dominant thing which everybody knows everything from history particle that somebody runs for the real world right you know I can have that mentality out there there's reason to have a second Amendment so basically our values just made sure that we couldn't be terrorized if we didn't want to yeah but more incidentally even 1% yeah unfortunately we didn't adhere to that and now we're starting to suffer the loss of a lot of our rights right this is okay though it has its positive effect the good news is if I see a Great Awakening happening right now yes it is sorry a great awaken it's like people around here in my small area I've never heard really talk politics and even though we haven't been run by Kovan overlords just for what they've seen on the news nationally from other states yeah welcome they're like holy hell we have no idea yeah more and more yeah yeah oh yeah yes it's like common talk now you know people in the grocery store you can hear them talking it what worked a few years like that governor Wisconsin is doing to her people and oh my Lorne is just like wow that's like some people like yeah if I lived in those areas most people know me man yeah that's really a good mentality to have I think that's why we have it the way we do around here because some of your rural counties and cactuses really America I mean really America strong they even state and smile at the militias you know I've made a great impact on some of the sheriffs and law enforcement here in Texas was in my years of any of the fellowship because even though I feed law enforcement isn't perfect I realize human beings aren't perfect so I don't expect Hopson perfect I just expect cops to try to do the best and maintain themselves inside to remember just because I'm wearing this badge doesn't give me so much authority that I can diffuse my buddy's like well yeah might be fun to add was stop I was raising samantha is going to be from law enforcement I've seen the better side of cops more so than most people do and me myself I don't have much of a problem I know when I get for those never had a cop do me bad in many ways have a further conversation talk about why hold me over most of time they're like usually when I get pulled over I'm speeding something like that I don't make the cops feel like a fool when it gets to the door freedom with respect yeah acknowledge my wrongdoing if I was fading I'm not going to say hey you live if you start calling him alive what are you expecting to do well the thing yeah yeah it's like just on it you know you find out some cops will let you go I got a bathroom I think I went down this road here about a year ago and I my little Mustang uh you know I was doing well logged wall cops leave me oh me over couldn't hurt me to jail woke me up to $1,300 worth ticket I gave him this fat on what I did I walked not one dime no ticket blown up well that's the thing it's all about balance is about you stand up for your rights but you also show respect it's the only way to work the world what you know the other way you go you get crazy you got trouble if you get to push them you get let yourself to be pushed too much and it goes the other way so you got to have the balance either way yeah do you have never be afraid for the coffin check do if they do get out line without a few cops you know I love me say I look and I say quietly sir wait a minute I'm not giving you that attitude so why are you giving me that right they usually don't settle down yeah I know the one that different he lost his job good what I got so bad so you have cops in your in your ranks or what well when as you know when the Edwards County Rangers were up and running their Sheriff's Department come out train with us all the time that are out there nice it's not are they part of the militia no because they're part of an elected structure right but it probably still have to learn to train together and work together is two different things right no the sheriff doesn't run the militia to share the militias don't have a command that commander is usually the one that does all the politicking with the elected that's how that works I when I was the commander the sheriff used to call me up and if we got a food board meeting we'd like you to be there Rick we got some function going on it with Herr Kommandant feeder so I would draw bullet functions be there shake hands and you know we've got to get to know the county commander right well yes there's malicious pretty much all over the country I would imagine every state now are they linked together in any way like the media a lot of them linked together I'm hoping to see more communication kind of see established along state lines and county lines more than national lines because we really can't have a national delicious I know I see a lot of these national servants doing you know like you guys look back you know we try to imagine a movement back in 2008 we called it lamb the well-regulated American militias and it became a big website and it was supposed to do things nationally state-by-state well just seems like all national efforts fall apart the reason being is well how can you have one command structures on a whole nation this is it doesn't work because somebody in Maine can't be telling somebody in California what they need and what to did yeah we'll see that's the thing we started breaking it down even further than that we even took it a step further we took notice this data isn't having problems yeah well now we run the county by county and that seems to be looking a lot better but also telling them to keep them off of social media do not put your militia group on you get a legitimate militia group don't put it on social media right it's going to get poverty well the point is made the point you just made about not having a national if you take that same idea model and you would say okay if it can't have a militia a national militia because it wouldn't work because people in California is different somebody in Virginia or something like that well that's also like it's also a good argument why blobel ISM wouldn't work exactly federal really federal mandates don't really work that well not all time you know like anything that tries to control from the very top everything down below becomes Gary how do we help prevent so much censorship you know on Instagram Facebook Twitter YouTube there's so many people that are trying to get information out with this great awakening and they are just censoring us like crazy yeah I know and that's going to be a big problem I don't know if government's gonna have to step up to try to intervene our First Amendment cases but then they got to be careful because you take Facebook for instance everybody says my First Amendment right you're getting violated whoa wait a minute no they're not they're being suppressed on Facebook but they're not being violated why because Facebook has a known its identity like say and yet anybody can walk into my house walk up to my wife and say anything to her and I got a scan here let them do it don't work like that so you gotta remember when you come into Facebook and some of these groups you're walking into someone's property their own I think what's getting up happening there's gonna be people that are really seeing it and seeing an opportunity because that's really what we're talking about will really work with and when I was talk about to think Olympic rings if somebody sees the problem with Facebook and Twitter where they're all being kind of into YouTube all being censors it so bad and somebody's going to stand up and create something that will be an alternative like there's unfortunately that will have to take time so yeah right happening yeah it's gonna take you down the line what the government can do government can say well okay wait a minute yeah if you're going to pick and choose who you're going to spectre-4 political lines well then we can do some things to get Europe yeah that's what I'm hoping will happen because this is going to have to be something I really believe comes from the government unless you can get everybody in the public on on the same page to say okay like for one week we're not going to use Facebook at all and have millions billions of people just drop Facebook for one week at a time then you might start to see those Zuckerberg or whatever musing is let the current trend jump a bit because he throws money at that place didn't everybody to do that sees the problem well unfortunately not everybody feels like we do or they feel like Facebook's too important to them that they just can't lose that quick look like like YouTube's been son sir in pretty hardcore oh yeah there's a company called bit shoot that is coming up as a platform for yeah there and a few others are coming up like that too patreon places like that where they're not censored so they're gonna they're gonna feel it in their pocket and that'll back them off you know what I mean open that'll be the case then we got a logic decision you get people like Google you age more those are the big-money guys and yeah they do things right they're so powerful that they can get those little guys well down into a place where they just can't move yeah so here again it's gonna be up to people to do something about that yeah unfortunately anybody that comes up on the internet that goes with anything like that got a deal with Google yeah yeah so until better providers come up we're kind of stuck in this little be a good censorship and all this other stuff and I know that really structures you do so well again a buddy finally someone I have to say on Facebook yeah Facebook will nail me in a heartbeat for I have to really really watch it yeah uh-oh I think I lost him I'll get him back him anyway we're talking to Rick light militia member and he was rolling up pretty good there yeah all right there yeah it's the apple coming against me you know so do you have one great story you would like to share or maybe just more examples of things the militia does I know you gave us a few oh man there's been a lot of stories throughout the militia I don't know if love is familiar with Charles Dyer sergeant girls died on Oklahoma there's known as delightful with Patriots very good friend of mine very outspoken well spoken cases done a few videos that captured America's attention while he was in the Marine Corps is punishment for at was being railroaded for child rape Naxos in prison for 30 years she had quite a quite a rigmarole over that which I'm sure a lot of people in the militia listening to their shows were familiar with history and militias I say yeah we'll remember one look it's going show all that he's in gentlemen god help me establish that did help me establish a line with the feds which became useful under mine though watch that Avenue playing with venomous snakes go into that pit so it's like I tell people with you if the FBI starts coming around too much well you need to do something about that because they're coming around too much they're looking to do something they should be doing and like we all know that they've got real bad here lately about making good guys in fact I write anything and to say that about her if the I wish I had better things to say about the FBI right now as far as we can see operation logs is polluted to the core we know that at that upper echelon so on the seventh floor is polluted to the core that drains downstream right yeah I know a lot of people on Newsday well most of our FBI uses in the field of global law yeah now if that mean every FBI agents at that stamp it but really met some good ones that would actually protect a real good guy from being a backup right yeah so well I think that's there that's a big key you know like police Sheriff Department whoever law enforcement of any sort the individual that's involved in that in that organization needs to understand what their actual reason for being there is and it is to constantly constitutional rights it's not to do what you're told it's a constitutional rights that's their job it really has nothing to do with whether whether you know you know president so-and-so or whoever the hell they called it the big dog for PA FBI you know it's not just whether you're gonna make him smile it's about doing the damn job you sight and have guts enough to do that you know it's tough yeah it's tough and could be scary in some of them men you know they can on us nothing go after their family all kinds of stuff but you know with the right connections and the right voice you can still do what you have to do [Music] they do you you got a history like I have in the British improvement that's me people from the FBI DHS they're going to talk to you that's just the way it is yeah and I'm getting I get a little tired of seeing out of the patriot communities and every time that happened all of a sudden everybody needs to get away from that person because there's some kind of a bad that's like oh look he's going to be a professional remember and you're going to do things the right way you're going to be a real militia you're going to be in the County structure you're going to be functioning you think he's gonna do that and not how to deal with the FBI sometimes you lost your mind that ain't Peters work look at taxes taxes to the border state who's in charge of that border right by the Constitution the federal government is that's by the Constitution so guess what you got a lot of crime going on down on that border everybody knows about cartels sure the middle aliens yeah all the drug smuggling and stuff like that goes on okay you're going to have active FBI situations and everything else that you're just going to have to deal with so don't tell anybody if you've got a deep hatred for law enforcement you need to just say a militia members beaten one of the runs in the field yeah I would say anybody don't let your officers become law enforcement aid you know I know that sometimes right now it's really tough because why I'm saying something stop you're exactly what the program those Awards say then even though I'm wrong I'm sorry I have condemnation for them that time of law enforcement action I do so if any police officers out there lift up I love lon I think law enforcement completely necessary my life our top in Llano County why do I like our police officers because they know how to respect our right than they treat us like human beings even when they pull us over only son well that's the kind of cops I want to see out there kind of caught my dad look I'm the kind of cop that go out and say hey the governor said it so I got to do it no you don't that goes against the Constitution you need to stand up and say no cop you know real police officers police officers is first in white and force the law breaking the law don't go after the people go after to go right yeah go after the mayor whoever's doing whatever is doing the Jaron izing or being a coping overlord or why have you in your area that those cops need to be educated to those is the moments those people step out of their lives are both office we thought is no longer obligated to obey any orders done they can fire you but I'll tell you what if you turn around and no one's gonna wish they did fire you right right boy that frog police office that'll stand up for that we will stand up for you absolutely that's what they really need to know back instead of all this ranting and raving about cops being dirty there needs to be some more attention that got cops that are doing right that way at least you know the ones that are being dirty maybe they'll wake it up you know and maybe the good ones will watch you know huh I've seen a lot of stories through this stuff about police officers that will stand the line with the people then I've seen the office that they're just wrenches my gut it's like oh my god how can you do that this is what police officers need to understand because if you follow a tyrant orders your time pirates only a temporary tyrant yeah they're not going to be there very long right but guess what that's those people that you have to deal with they're gonna be there all their lives so you tell me you tell me who you won't decide with because let me tell you something if you there's some times in history to where tyranny ruled and certain structures I reply Athens Tennessee in the 1940 hundred veterans got together with a bunch of people and actually at firefight with elected officials over election cool election fraud that's how these tyrants were staying in office and they would rig the ballots every year and these Destin's got tired of it they got together bunch people called the Battle of Bath and look it up man in snow still happened during a militia group put together a militia group and turn the counting 3 put it 3 again yes look out the election fraud open the elections back up a madman what do you think the mail-in voting what do you think of the mailing in voting how they're trying to get me that's a way to frog the vote yeah yeah yeah you think about it you can you can easily manipulate that creature too much that's like nope you know I'll just do my little voting thing I'm not worried about bogan yeah don't be a warehouse somewhere just full of somebody's balance well there's a lot of things going on like that it's like I don't know how much you might know about China right now yeah I have some clients out there that are really dealing with it doing a lot of nonsense for a lot of people I know some people think it's a conspiracy theory to think that China would attack America in a heartbeat think of it it's not looking like it's going to turn out to be so much conspiracy theory now the more informations coming out right oh they're buying my opinion in this country China just attack the United States in the world she sees the economy absolutely that's what this whole thing they did it without firing milk or anything they just get this little virus over in Wuhan and said hey you know that little lab so close to the market well let's get it out into the market but the market get infected well shucks harley china down to where people can't go into that parts of we're ready to get up we'll let them fly out all over the world wait six weeks before we let anybody know yeah you want to thank that's not the feeling I got I didn't ever think it was an accent or some damn bat debiting bats there forever does it even get sicker who's parroting China right now Democrat yeah I've seen some reports that some of our elected officials and doctors I'm not gonna name any names but have donated money to the Wuhan lab years ago yeah exactly I also know that talking about the one that globalist movement if you look at all those weird in China they're all positive over certain areas a right so we're the ones going against them are the ones going no we don't want that we're not into that one government for United States is going to be the United States orders if only a fight yeah I think where our people a little too belligerent they would have to would I have to really get up from under us like like pregnant what they're trying to do really you know so I'm trying to go out this all took off because without this happening as hateful as it is without this happening we would not have the Great Awakening that we have now right yeah I think I remember you talking at the beginning of the show when you're starting to do the introduction talking about this paradigm shift you know there you go it's already happened yeah she's right awakening is here folksy carrying now well you know it's like now when they got it their taxes hey you guys they want to be in militia listen up if you had died to you fought with acting like mr. plenty bad but we're talking all that haze and all that anger stuff and hit yourself in here create something your community can get behind yes what you do that you pull would accomplish any thing you need with smile on your face you ain't got meals yeah comes back down to Lincoln arms man everybody working together back yeah that's what it comes down to like you got it you got it yeah does the tiger gotta tell you if the Tigers right right well yeah you know what times is when you see it yes or no there's militia groups for our men your County's be good to the community if you got a good share work with the sheriff work with the deputies create a bond can't control you right boy I'll tell you what when that County gets in trouble I'll bet I'll call you yeah well I thought that you actual town militia good militia house to play before they will famous right well I know Edward Kathy would have I know this county city I live the Llano County Texas now what that people do the same thing we did metal chair ladder yeah yeah well so everybody I thought Edwards was a fluke no no that's why I got health before you want to do something you want to create a malicious come to your delivery how you going to deliver that day right yeah now you gonna present it to the people because your presentation will mean its success or failure right you know back in 69 you can always have your private gang and call it a militia yeah well you know there's a lot out there you uh remember the John Birch Society said are they still around yeah they still around yes they are well back in the day there was this I'm gonna expect the faction I don't think they were really part of them but they say they were I was it was in 66 I think it was where people were going into this basement and they had these propaganda films and they're blaming Beatles for bringing communism and what else there was some show they said if a guy if the kid watch a certain show him he's on drugs you know they're a little bit I love what I'd say the wild wild card you know what I'm saying well I I think the heart was in the right place but I think they got to where they were you know lathering each other up you might say you know I'm saying and well what happens what happens with the Mississippi the militia group if you ever notice once when they started to get there they start getting infiltrated right there get people in the enter that and they're purposely centers in both cases make no mistake they're purposely set there to change the core of the group or what or the organization or at what have you in a way a fine example of how things can go awry NRA started off good and ended up in fact that's the NRA actually helped get gun control started in the America people will look into it now does that mean I don't support the end ok no I still a member of the NRA because that's in their past and I'm not happy about it because Dan re also took and helped make convicted felon not able to have done some people don't live there you can't say that convicted felons your second Amendment right that's right you can't have a gun by your just heart and rightly so okay I get that but when a person does their time or a crime and are out on the street again don't they deserve the same amount of luxury to security to defend their lives if anybody else yeah once their build is paid you know what I'm saying once our bills paid you know that our to the government who whoever society then they should have what everybody else has the fact that they had about nonviolent felony oh yeah what about nonviolent felons that never did anything with a gun cute but yet still get their gun rights taken away right folks at a time for your safety it's done to take guns away right so don't tell me you're you're a Second Amendment supporters but you you support keeping that convicted felon that's out of prison served their time trying to put their life back together again that you can take their rights from them yeah well that's why their sentences are so bad mm-hmm yeah as it is now is a felony and it takes their life really for the most part so why you know we're at it we are out of control but I think that's nonsense all we're going through it's interesting because the media I blame the media for a lot of that's because they just spread so many lies but I also blame career politicians the ones that are in their 4050 years they don't lost touch they shouldn't be in there anymore yeah you know I'm saying you can't always say everybody's bad but biggest part of them they've done lost touch so they're saying okay you can't have a gun but I'm gonna have armed guards you know but this is just what it is you know I'm important so I can have these guns you're not so you shouldn't have one you know that's right and what you know about what's going on how do you see it working out oh that one more time how you see it working out what's going on how do you feel like it's gonna work out I think it you'll see more militia start to develop along a more professional lines I think the further this gets forged the more people are going to do like I did 1994 with our search there's no start seeing things than si what do I do you know I don't feel like I can secure myself away from this cheering that's developing in my government some people have moved away from the areas which they already are although if you thought New York people were vacating New York like you know it's got the blade which I guess it did so it mainly gives it to the end Kovac it's named play mayor and governor yeah well I tell people I'm firm believer on what mr. West said on his video he said that we've got a new virus called carinii absolutely been growing for a while but it's really rare detected and hardened now people are seeing like wow they're like in disbelief that this could happen yeah and that kind of shock is good I was shocked in 1994 I remember yeah well really I got shocked at Ruby Ridge and when movie Ridge took off it was like one of my wake-up calls no one I think Mike oh yeah I was like what yeah hold on here which basically killing those kids yeah and they knew what they were doing that was that was nothing about taking care of some terrorist guy wherever the hell they thought he was but anyway well buddy I think they learned the final bit lesson at Bundy's rent Bundy yeah all right buddy well we're about out of time been nice talking to you thank you so much for your bravery and fighting for the people so awesome it's been great listening to you let us know if you like to come on again well we can do to help your militias and whatever's going on you're very welcome and and no yes I appreciate the things but we've got a lot of us out there not just me and there's a lot of us out there that's really trying hard well that's good to know and yeah I have all of them yeah thank you so much buddy well you have a good day everybody thank Rick like with us militiamen and all-around good guy all right all right talk to you later buddy well folks this is we're coming to the end what I think I really wanted to say was a lot of people that I know I'm in a metaphysical field that sort of thing I'm going to professional intuitive that kind of nonsense well not nonsense a lot of us really looked at the 2012 changes and the Mayan calendar is all that sort of thing the Mayan calendar said stuff like that the world is going to change a lot of people thought it was going to end but it was gonna end as we know it that's where we are now we're at a point where the higher consciousness the understanding of fair play the understanding of showing love showing sensitivity showing understanding is paramount to showing your fists or your teeth or whatever it might be going on here it's paramount it's the most powerful thing you can do power does isn't shown by a closed fist or a big mouth it's shown by understanding and understanding how to talk understanding how to communicate and how to listen that's what it's all about but as human beings in a situation where that we're in you have to have the balance you have to listen understand but you have to be willing to stand your ground and this is where we are we will win this thing things will get better things are going where they should be in the next 27 months watch for it anyway having said that we're gonna have to close for the day and we'll be we'll be talking to you next time sensor that's it how'd it go you think but still red
Robert Caruso Intuitive