Author: R. Caruso (Page 4 of 5)

Remember a spiritual person and one spou

Remember a spiritual person and one spouting new age rhetoric is not always the same thing. Spirituality comes from the heart, mind and energy. Not through the teeth of the rule makers and ethics breakers. .
So step up my brothers and sisters things are changing, new worlds in the making.
Talking’s not enough, time to show your stuff.
We are in it together that is a fact,
Stand with me my friend’s because spirit has our backs.
See you in the mix.

Beware of the Puppet Master


We do not really live in a free society.

We have a one person one vote Democratic system, but the information that is needed for a person to intelligently utilize their vote is slanted in the direction of special interest through media manipulation.
We very seldom if ever get all the information available. The politician that is honest and is absolutely there for the best interest of the American people is pushed back marginalized and kept from any real media attention.
We aren’t under a dictator as is normally thought of,  it isn’t a tyrant with an iron fist type of government.
But our society is absolutely controlled in the way of the Puppet Master, with corporation’s holding the strings.
If you are voting the best of two evils you are dancing for the Puppet Masters
If your voting a party and not the integrity of the person running for office you are dancing to the will of the puppet master.
If you don’t realized that you are taxed to death now through the multitude of taxes that are leveled on us and continue to worry about just the one tax (income Tax) the you are dancing on the corporate strings.
There are absolutely great people with the desire to make things work for everyone. but they will never be able to do it unless the puppets cuts the strings.

Professional Intuitive Robert Caruso

The Power of the Munay KI Rites (My personal Experience)


The Power Munay Ki Rites ( My Personal Experience)

I love what I do.

I have been involved in the metaphysical field for over half of my life.  I have enjoyed the freedom of the business and the reward of helping others through the darkest or most confusing times of their lives. There is nothing more rewarding than someone letting you know that you have helped change or even save their life, marriage or career.


Unlike the hobbyist, When it is your full-time occupation it can become emotionally taxing and cause personal confusion (no matter how much you meditate) as you try to navigate a life in the “normal “ day to day and the unseen lines of thought, intuition and experience. It can sometimes take you to the dark recesses in your mind and set you on a roller coaster ride that doesn’t end until you eventually sort it all back out.

March of 2010 was one of those times for me. I was at a cross roads of my life due to several tragic personal losses and realizations. I found myself as a man with nowhere to stand, nowhere to go and no passion for anything.

I had been in the field for a long while and although the feelings were over whelming I knew they were something to work through and when I did,  I would be left stronger and more capable than ever before.

After much pain and soul-searching I got the inspiration to call some Shaman friends of mine. They immediately turned me on to the Munay Ki Rites. Although I have seen some amazing things while studying Shamanic ritual/ energy healings, I didn’t really expect much. The first two Rites made me feel better temporarily. But, by the time I had gotten all nine Rites,  I started seeing a new world emerging.

I followed that up, with a trip to the Amazon where I acquired healing and experienced the Journeys with the Shapibo Indian  Maestro and Maestras employing the power of the Ayahuasca.

By the time I left South America I was on my way to being more capable in my work more centered in my life and clear on my reason for being.

Although the Ayahuasca was a big part of my healing, I see the Munay Ki Rites as one of the most powerful energetic alignment modalities I had ever seen.

My passion grew as I begun to facilitate the Munay Ki Rites to up to fifteen people a week.

I have seen it make huge differences in people’s lives. I saw a man who’s mind was compromised by the Viet Nam war  go through such transformation he felt the need to change his name. I saw one woman quit drinking while another attributes new-found courage to receiving them.  I have at this point facilitated the Munay KI Rites to  400+ people,  each one experiencing a slightly different effect from the last.  I will continue to facilitate them as long as I am working in the field. I have developed a way to make the Munay ki Rites more powerful by using techniques to minimize the effects of day-to-day stresses and help the people to be more  open to the experience and its benefits.

Regardless where you are in the world or what your spiritual belief are. The Munay KI Rites are in my opinion one of the most important experiences you can get.

I wish you happy journeying


May you never be the same again.

Robert Caruso


In Gratitude

I woke up today in a reflective mood. I realized that the anniversary of my 28th year of becoming a professional Intuitive (psychic) has come and gone (October 25th).
I thought about all the clients/friends that I still read from back then and the new ones I get to meet and work with every day. I have made a great living and have maintained a straight forward and brutally honest prediction style that have brought me a huge clientele that for the most part are focused on their own development in all areas of life and ready to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to progress. They have concluded our sessions sometimes elated and other times in tears but with the clarity they came for. Some have left hating me but come back thanking me because they were forced to deal with a painful situation which allowed them to grow through serious issues.
I have read folks while sitting on Paia beach, Maui Hawaii , North Shore and Waikiki beach in Oahu Hawaii, from the pier in Kodiak, Alaska and from the edge of the Amazon River just to name a very few. I have talked to clients from countless cities and countries around the world and have traveled all over the world reading and teaching.
Many times it has been emotionally taxing and confusing but ALWAYS followed by clarity and enhancement of my abilities.It has provided friendships and cost me relationships. Showing me that both the attainment and the loss of relationships are not personal and always positive.
I am proud that I have never felt the need to sell out for attention by offers from media or social groups. I take my craft extremely serious and refuse to be merely a source of entertainment.
All this has been afforded to me because of my many clients/friends I work with every day. Although there are too many to mention here.You have my undying gratitude and affection.

Thank you for this amazing life.

Robert Caruso


Join me at
Addison Conference and Theatre Centre THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY @ 11 AM TILL 6 PM
at the Addison Conference Hall Address: 15650 Addison Rd, Addison Texas, TX 75001.

I will have a booth and offering reading I will also have some of my self-help CDs and

more information about the up coming classes at The Intuitive Academy
I will also be doing a forum called:
Psychic Ability: GIFT or HUMAN NATURE

I will show you that you have the ability by just being human.
I will also give you a technique on how to develop it.

In his
27+ years as a professional psychic Robert
Caruso is well-known to people all over
the world and from all walks of life for his
accurate psychic readings. Robert believes
that developing the intuition that is within
everyone can enhance and even save lives

So I’ll see you at the EXPO
Should be a lot of fun


Are you afraid?

Are you afraid of the ISIS issue? Afraid they’ll come here and kill people you know and love?

We have always had Killers and predators in the country.These are just another type

Are you afraid of Ebola?

We are always dealing with wicked diseases and viruses in this country like swine flu, HIV and cancer to name a few. This is just another one that kills different.

Prepare yourself, stay aware of your surroundings and then relax.

Being aware and prepared isn’t living in fear, it is living in reality.

Are you worried that corrupt politicians and corporations are destroying the environment?

There has always been crooks in politics and big business. Get involved in the system, protest, petition and blog. Vote for a person not a party. There has been a lot of politicians and celebrities that have been destroyed by popular opinion.

In dealing with corporations, buy only from businesses you feel are playing it straight (or close) Even if they are backed by the epitome of evil, shutting off their life’s blood (monetary income and popular opinion) will starve them to a point that they are eaten up by competition.

If you’re prepared it’ll be easy to stay in a positive frame of mind and maintain a high vibrational frequency. The alignment of positive thought, connection with spirit in (which ever form it takes for you) and physical work will keep your life running at optimum level of vibration. Doing so will enable you to more easily manifest things in you need or want.

Look out for you fellow beings, but leave them the space to make decisions and grow.

We are all in this together

Robert Caruso

Professional Intuitive and life coach

Help me help Them.

Holidays are coming fast. There are thousands of homeless and underprivileged people, with an increasing number of homeless families with children. The food bank continually runs low this time of year and I believe we all should do our part to help those that have fallen through the cracks of this failing system of ours.

I talked to a woman recently who had been arrested for theft, she was caught stealing food and is now running the risk of losing her children because her husband left suddenly clearing out their account. She didn’t have the documentation she needed to get help. So now she is on the systems radar because she was trying to feed her kids. Although many feel we have a welfare problem, the real problem is that the welfare system is a lot of times  serving manipulators of the system as opposed to the one that really need it.

Sending love light and well wishes is great but what they really need right now is help.

This holiday season as I have in every holiday season for the past ten years I intend to do my part.

I am offering $5 off of any of my services for articles of clothing, toys to donate to homeless shelters or food to donate to the food bank or even a receipt of donation from any of these facilities through December 31st.If you already donated and have a receipt bring the receipt and

If you would like a reading, past life regression, frequency healing or any of the other services I provide while helping the people who so desperately need it. Call 469-546-8017 or e-mail Robert

“US against THEM” (a Recipe for Destruction)


I saw a picture this morning of a guy with an assault rifle strapped to his back while he was shopping at a local grocery store. It made me think, just how afraid of your surroundings do you have to be to feel you need to carry such a weapon in public. We aren’t in Syria or Iraq the odds of this guy being engaged by a terrorist is slim to none. There is however a possibility of being assaulted. But think about it. If someone was going to assault this guy, they would focus on getting close enough for the attack. Our hero wouldn’t have time to take his rifle off his back, take off the safety (taking for granted he even had it on safety) and shoot it.

Though I don’t carry a gun myself, I support the right of someone to do so if they felt the need. I also support a person’s right to own whatever weapon he or she sees fit. But maybe everyone would be safer and more of a threat to criminals if he had a hand gun concealed strategically on his person. It could be easily retrieved and utilized possibly saving the day for himself and his fellow shoppers. At the same time letting the people who are wondering if this guy was a threat to relax.

But instead we have pro an anti-gun activists battling over if the average citizens should have any guns at all. It takes just a look around to realize there are threats among us. We live in a violent society and because of that it would be irresponsible to not have a plan for that contingency. But a little common sense would be a great thing.

The problem is that in this country, there is always the mentality of “I want my rights! Even if it curtails someone else’s rights.  Any problem in society can be resolved with compromise, but that would require of course that all parties be rational enough to listen to the each other and come to an agreement based on tending to each other’s fears and needs. For example maybe required training for a person to be licensed to own a gun. The criteria being they have to take a course on gun safety and a check to see if there is a history of mental illness. They would be licensed to have guns but not be required to register each gun which addresses the fear of 2nd amendment activist that the government will confiscate their guns at some point.

We live in a “type “of democratic society the idea being that we hire people to decide who is going to get what they want and who isn’t. This of course leaves us with up to 50 percent of the population not getting what they want or need. I read one of the 2016 presidential hopefuls saying addressing the needs of the collective is more important than addressing the needs of the individual. Isn’t it just common sense that if you preserved the right of all individuals it would ultimately save the rights of more of the collective?

There was the debate recently of “Hobby Lobby” company refusing to provide birth control for women. All though I don’t agree with their reasoning it is in my opinion their right to make that stand. They should be required to inform all new hires and employees of that fact giving the employees the information they need to exercise their rights as to whether they want to work there or not. A compromise could be that they provide insurance as they normally would and the employee have the opportunity to add the birth control availability to their policy at their own cost. That way the employee can get what they need and the company doesn’t have to go against their religious beliefs.

We are all human beings. No one really has a right to decide what another is to believe or desire. If we honor EVERYONE’S rights there is a good chance we would be on our way to some level of peace.


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