Are you afraid of the ISIS issue? Afraid they’ll come here and kill people you know and love?
We have always had Killers and predators in the country.These are just another type
Are you afraid of Ebola?
We are always dealing with wicked diseases and viruses in this country like swine flu, HIV and cancer to name a few. This is just another one that kills different.
Prepare yourself, stay aware of your surroundings and then relax.
Being aware and prepared isn’t living in fear, it is living in reality.
Are you worried that corrupt politicians and corporations are destroying the environment?
There has always been crooks in politics and big business. Get involved in the system, protest, petition and blog. Vote for a person not a party. There has been a lot of politicians and celebrities that have been destroyed by popular opinion.
In dealing with corporations, buy only from businesses you feel are playing it straight (or close) Even if they are backed by the epitome of evil, shutting off their life’s blood (monetary income and popular opinion) will starve them to a point that they are eaten up by competition.
If you’re prepared it’ll be easy to stay in a positive frame of mind and maintain a high vibrational frequency. The alignment of positive thought, connection with spirit in (which ever form it takes for you) and physical work will keep your life running at optimum level of vibration. Doing so will enable you to more easily manifest things in you need or want.
Look out for you fellow beings, but leave them the space to make decisions and grow.
We are all in this together
Robert Caruso
Professional Intuitive and life coach