It is been said, that history is written by the victors. Of course this has to be true because the loser of any conflict is in given the opportunity to tell their side.
So that tells you that history isn’t always EXACTLY TRUE.
ALL religions are based on the interpretation of the founders or leaders of that belief system. They have faith in these, but no PROOF or EVIDENCE.
All scientific decisions and proclamations are based on observances and the scientific communities belief in what they’ve seen.
These to believe the tomato was poisonous.
The sun revolved around the earth.
The earth is flat. (Some still believe that one)
and that disease was caused by evil spirits.
Most people in America used to believe that what was set on the news was true and factual. Where that used to be the case at one time there is ample proof that that is not true today.
People used to believe that our politicians, law enforcement and judicial system was fair, honest and had the best interest of the people at heart. There is ample evidence here to the contrary.
Example, one person can get a life sentence for possessing weed, while a young man to get probation after killing or raping based on his societal level and level of family income.
So we can see from here that everything we hear from other people is subject to interpretation and should be scrutinized to a person own satisfaction.
At this time in our society it is that the utmost importance to develop the human ability of intuition to the highest level achievable. This will allow every man woman and child to avoid promoting or following dubious personalities or thought processes.
Robert Caruso intuitive

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