The Power of the Munay KI Rites (My personal Experience)


The Power Munay Ki Rites ( My Personal Experience)

I love what I do.

I have been involved in the metaphysical field for over half of my life.  I have enjoyed the freedom of the business and the reward of helping others through the darkest or most confusing times of their lives. There is nothing more rewarding than someone letting you know that you have helped change or even save their life, marriage or career.


Unlike the hobbyist, When it is your full-time occupation it can become emotionally taxing and cause personal confusion (no matter how much you meditate) as you try to navigate a life in the “normal “ day to day and the unseen lines of thought, intuition and experience. It can sometimes take you to the dark recesses in your mind and set you on a roller coaster ride that doesn’t end until you eventually sort it all back out.

March of 2010 was one of those times for me. I was at a cross roads of my life due to several tragic personal losses and realizations. I found myself as a man with nowhere to stand, nowhere to go and no passion for anything.

I had been in the field for a long while and although the feelings were over whelming I knew they were something to work through and when I did,  I would be left stronger and more capable than ever before.

After much pain and soul-searching I got the inspiration to call some Shaman friends of mine. They immediately turned me on to the Munay Ki Rites. Although I have seen some amazing things while studying Shamanic ritual/ energy healings, I didn’t really expect much. The first two Rites made me feel better temporarily. But, by the time I had gotten all nine Rites,  I started seeing a new world emerging.

I followed that up, with a trip to the Amazon where I acquired healing and experienced the Journeys with the Shapibo Indian  Maestro and Maestras employing the power of the Ayahuasca.

By the time I left South America I was on my way to being more capable in my work more centered in my life and clear on my reason for being.

Although the Ayahuasca was a big part of my healing, I see the Munay Ki Rites as one of the most powerful energetic alignment modalities I had ever seen.

My passion grew as I begun to facilitate the Munay Ki Rites to up to fifteen people a week.

I have seen it make huge differences in people’s lives. I saw a man who’s mind was compromised by the Viet Nam war  go through such transformation he felt the need to change his name. I saw one woman quit drinking while another attributes new-found courage to receiving them.  I have at this point facilitated the Munay KI Rites to  400+ people,  each one experiencing a slightly different effect from the last.  I will continue to facilitate them as long as I am working in the field. I have developed a way to make the Munay ki Rites more powerful by using techniques to minimize the effects of day-to-day stresses and help the people to be more  open to the experience and its benefits.

Regardless where you are in the world or what your spiritual belief are. The Munay KI Rites are in my opinion one of the most important experiences you can get.

I wish you happy journeying


May you never be the same again.

Robert Caruso


1 Comment

  1. Reenie Cvalenti

    Thank you for sharing your journey. I am hoping to increase my knowledge and path🌞

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