So many people are upset about what Donald Trump said at the inaugural event yesterday.
He said, we are going to put AMERICA FIRST again. A lot of the new shows grabbed onto that as an opportunity to upset people, by calling it a dark speech because he is telling people to believe America is better than anyone else. Telling them to believe no one else matters other than America.

I can tell you right now that Donald Trump is probably one of the worst speakers we have ever had as a presidential candidate.
But if you take a minute you can realize that if nothing else Donald Trump is a family man, extremely proud of family and accomplishments.
If you look at it from that point of view and put yourself in that position as if America was your family. When you go to your child’s sporting events do not cheer on your child’s performance.

     Are you not hypersensitive that your child is treated fairly.
In times of difficulty do you not focus on your family’s well-being ahead of all others.

If you’re at a lake and to children’s are drowning one of them is yours which one would you save if you couldn’t save both.

From what I can see this is his focus.
In my opinion whether you love him or hate him to bust him for saying, we will put AMERICA FIRST is a prejudice against the man not a statement or vision.

Just my opinion
Robert Caruso intuitive