Success and Failure

In the years that I’ve been in the metaphysical field it is always been interesting as my clients progressed in their lives. Many times they begin to grieve the loss of what used to be.
They grieve the loss of friends who seem to resent them for no particular reason. This hurts them deeply and many times we makes them regret their success. They began to try to prove that they’re the same person but no matter what they do those people still insist on saying derogatory things to make them feel as if they have become petty, materialistic or combative.
It is this behavior that basically tells us as human beings that we must let go of the old and embrace the new. The new is where you’re going, its progress, its enlightenment, it is the expansion of awareness. This conflict is to be expected if you are going to progress.
If letting go of the old means letting go of a friend who is bent on diminishing your success or ability, it is what has to be done. Until which time that friend relaxes their point of view and becomes either supportive or accepting of your success.
There is no shame in a failure, neither is there shame in success, they are both just experiences along life’s path. Nothing More.

R.Caruso (c)2017


  1. Harriet Kole

    Hello Robert, remember me, this is Harriet, Harry’s mom. I so hope Ty is doing well.
    I love reading your posts. I was especially interested this morning. It has been suggested to me that I am fearful of success. It makes me sad because I’m a wonderful woman who’s stuck.
    Sure wish I were near you and could have a session or two.
    Thanks for your words of wisdom.

    • R. Caruso

      Hi Harriet, I am just learning how to do my site. I can always do a phone reading which are just as accurate. Send me a message if you would like to make an appointment.

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