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The Celebration of Death

     Celebration of Death

I see a lot of references being made with regard to soldiers dying for their country, and the heroism it shows. But how many of us really take a good look at what we are doing and why?

When this country first began we had a revolutionary war to release us from the tyranny of the British rule. The Civil War was among other reasons, waged to attain freedom for slaves and the end of the ignorance of that behavior. The First World War and the second were to stop a tyrannical force from taking over Europe. There was the justifiable belief that we would be vulnerable if this was to be allowed to happen. These are all obvious examples of fighting for freedom.

Since then, every time we went into a warlike situation like Viet Nam or Korea, the battle cry was “defense of American freedom.” But in those cases, American freedom was not threatened.

The 911 situation is constantly under scrutiny as a possible “false flag operation[1]”. This event made the American people hysterically afraid of the threat of terrorism. The fear that swept the country provided the war profiteers with the opportunity they needed to sell an unjustified war to a country full of frightened sheep.

It was a fascinating display of power by these warlike puppeteers. They knew if they could scare the American people and fuel their need for revenge, they could then attack anyone they wanted to.  The military industry could then parlay this into billions of dollars of revenue. This worked so well, they became insatiable in their pursuit of wealth and began attacking and threatening other countries. They realized that if they kept people believing in a constant threat, the American people would go along with anything.

They kept the people ignorant by using our corrupt media to make it seem patriotic to verbally attack anyone that doesn’t adhere to that prescribed belief.

As this developed, the government obtained more control of the American people. They now had the means to distract them and keep them from revolting as the economy began to crumble.

(The people who start the wars are NEVER the ones who fight or die in them.)

If only the American people would take ten minutes away from their television sets and computers, and would put as much attention on what is really going on, instead of whether some celebrity is pregnant or not, perhaps then we will be able to stop the insane practice of feeding our young people to the war machine.

Who knows maybe if we did that, the War profiteers will find a way to make their profits by spreading peace and prosperity rather than feeding on the blood of the innocent.

Maybe we can have a day celebrating the life of our children, instead of rationalizing their death.

R. Caruso ©2014


[1]“False flag operations” are covert operations by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as if they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own.

What I was born to do.

In the past 27 years, I have been amazed at the power and possibilities available in this field of study.

The simplicity of the universe gets muddled due to complexities of emotions derived from fear of the unknown, blind belief in control-based rhetoric, and the human predisposition of expecting things to be complicated.

The mechanics of the universe are simple, as is its connection to spiritual, mental, and physical existence. The complication lies in the communication and understanding shared between beings, and the understanding that there are NO bad people, just bad behaviors that manifest due to fear of inadequacy and vulnerability. Although I have no doubt of this fact, it continues to test me most days of my life, yet at the end of the day always proves to be true.

My career has been built on using my intuition and experience delving into the maze of the human mind and spirit. My main task in being here is to find straightforward answers and provide real solutions to the confusing situations my spirit brothers and sisters may be experiencing.

Though metaphysical work is popular and to some fashionable, it is not a parlor game. It’s not a form of entertainment in my opinion, nor is it about being gifted or on a level above others, a ridiculous idea. It is about helping others clear the way to personal growth, and realization of their own power, and the ability to courageously give and receive love.


Conscious Living

Conscious Living

We hear a lot of folks talking about being awake. I’m awake, she’s awake, and he’s not awake, Etc. Etc.

Being awake isn’t just about being aware of the deceptive and many times destructive practices of the corporations and governments of the world.

Being awake is about conscious living. It’s about living life, not by the values of others, but solely by your own beliefs.

Through your day, try to see how many times your decisions are based on public appeal or traditional but baseless.

How many comments on FB or Twitter do you post that are based on the desired reactions from your friends?

A while back there was a picture of a dog stuck in a tree. He was clearly put there intentionally and was obviously in pain with his body wedged in the fork of the tree.

Absolutely every comment had to do with the quality of the photography or the desire to kiss the dogs face.

No one expressed the fact that wedging the little guy in the tree was abusive. It would  have been against the direction of the thread, and the need to show a loving mindset and love for animals.

We are all prone to do this type of thing so there should be no judgment. But ongoing attention to this is vital to spiritual development and raising of the consciousness of the masses.


Child Race

The Child Race

The human race seems to be a child race. Instead of looking for ways to be free and self-reliant, a devastating majority of the population seems to be looking for a replacement for mommy, daddy, and big brother or sister. They are caught in the belief that without someone else holding the future of their life in their hands they will perish or be overtaken by evil. They lack the guts to face life and its trials based solely on their own beliefs. They believe the lie that tells them if they acquire things and the “illusion” of power, then they are self-reliant. While in reality, the power they have can be snatched from them by the sociopath they have put in control.

The government can take your wealth, your property, your freedom and even your life with the stroke of a pen. We have to pay for money they borrow, not only without our consent, but even without our knowledge. We have to pay them to own a house, land or just to park or drive a car. They level laws on us that cost us huge amounts of money and we have for the most part no clue it is happening. They tell us what we can put in our bodies, who we can marry; they try to legislate our beliefs and behavior. Much of the time they use their own religion as a basis for these ridiculous laws. How can you make a law based on religion, when religion by definition is actually only theory that is different from one person to another? When religion doesn’t work as a reason for a law, then they resort to fear tactics and subliminal information. Why is this so out of control?

We seem to be a population that craves rules and rulers. We have a ridiculous civilization to have so many levels of rulers and people in “authority”. It doesn’t seem to be enough to have an out-of-control federal government, but we also have state, county, city rulers. Some folks are forced to pay to have someone tell them how they can live in their own home, in the form of H.O.A’s. When are we going to grow up enough as a race that we don’t need this kind of nonsense? When are we going to stop searching for someone to worship, or a daddy, mommy, or big brother or sister to protect us and tell us what is right? We live in a society that allows and even promotes the idea and practice of having or needing someone else controlling us, and then we complain when we are controlled.

I hear so many republican politicians say they are in support of freedoms, but seek to limit the freedom everyone else can have. Republicans aren’t alone, Democrats also try to pass bills forcing people to do things they don’t believe in based on the needs of someone else. These self-proclaimed demigods tempt young men and women with the idea of becoming a “hero” and “fighting to protect our freedom”, but they are made to destroy people who cannot and do not pose any threat to our freedom at all.

How can we believe that these are moral, family oriented people with a love for life and peace when they order the murder of innocent men, women, and children, all over the world for no verifiable reason? Ask yourself, if the politicians or their family members were made to fight these baseless wars themselves, would there ever be a war at all?  This out-of-control hypocrisy would be comical if it wasn’t so tragically devastating to the lives of so many people worldwide.

When will we develop the courage as a race overall, to devise a rule of law that is based on protecting liberty and the rights of all individuals, and turn from being the inept race of hypnotized cowards that we have become?


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