Spirit Animal Discovery CDs Call Now 469-546-8017 http://ow.ly/i/eatWY
Author: R. Caruso (Page 3 of 5)
There was a day when people had to come off the farm and learn to make a living running machine and doing services for others. Then there was a day when people had to learn to use computers and technology to pay their way in society. NOW we are in a new era fraught with deception from the media, government, economic deception, and of course deception on the internet by self-proclaimed activists that would post anything to get a rise out of the people which of course make things worse not better. The only way to deal with this issue is to develop the natural intuitive ability that will give you the ability to detect the deception and make choices that benefit you and your family. http://ow.ly/i/bHfyr
This interview with host David McMillian is now available on podcast archives
Beyond the New Age ( Psychic Development ) Part One http://ow.ly/PlKNb http://ow.ly/i/bIy0A
The American people would do well to stop focusing so much on who’s the president and more on the system as a whole. The president isn’t the whole problem or solution.
Just because a president is “for” something doesn’t mean he gets it. There are enough people in and out of government that will see to that.
For example many people are for Senator Bernie Sanders and say for: “I like his honesty and integrity but I don’t want to live in a socialist country”
The likelihood of him being able to turn the U.S into a socialist government is slim to none. But in the process of him trying to do that we may be able to develop a system that employs the best of both systems.
What if we could offer government-funded health care but instead of it being paid for by raising the taxes of working families and small business. It gets funded through the raising taxes on multibillion dollar corporations that are at this point exporting jobs and not paying their part. After all, most of the research and technological advancements have been made through government grants paid for by the average American taxes. To not allow everyone to benefit short-sighted and greedy.
Also with college tuitions: if we are going to compete in the world markets our population needs to be educated and we need as many people as possible involved in our growth and sustenance. To limit it to just those who with the resources to afford it leaves a huge untapped resource that resides in the population of the under privileged.
We should focus on the honesty and integrity of the candidate in every office not just one that says what we want to hear but is riddled with scandal and proven lack of conviction.
If we want a system we can count on then we need a government staffs with people who are held accountable.
The Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means ‘I love you.’ The Munay-Ki is the nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation. The Rites are common to all shamanic traditions, even though they are expressed in different forms and styles in various cultures. They derive from the great initiations from the Hindus Valley that were brought to the Americas by the first medicine men and women who crossed the Baring Straits from Siberia during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago. These courageous travelers were the Earth keepers of old.
Since the Earth keepers come from the future as well, they can help us to access who we are becoming as humans 10,000 years from now. The memories from the past are available to the person who taps into that vast reservoir of knowledge that exists outside of time. The visions of the future come as possibilities, because everything in the future is still in potential form. The act of finding this desirable future installs it into our collective destiny and makes it a little bit more probable than it was before, because it has acquired another quantum of energy from these shaman’s visions.
The Munay-Ki helps us to become instruments of peace and agents for change and transformation. As you are initiated into the Nine Rites you join a group of ordinary men and women who lead extraordinary lives – the Earth keepers or medicine people of the Americas. As you experience the Munay-Ki, you’ll feel the presence and sense the wisdom of these luminous ones who have broken out of linear time and now dwell in infinity.
Time to be what you came here to be.
http://ow.ly/i/bhRqq http://ow.ly/OfMyz
In the past 26 years I have been amazed at that power and possibilities available in this field of study. The simplicity of the universe gives rise to such complexities of emotions due to the fear of the unknown, blind belief in control based rhetoric and the human predisposition of expecting things to be complicated.
The mechanics of the universe is simple, as is its connection to spiritual, mental and physical existence. The complication lies in the communication and understanding between beings.
The understanding that there are No bad people just bad behavior due to fear of inadequacy and vulnerability. Though I have no doubt of this fact it continues to test me most days of my life, at the end of the day always proving to be true.
My career has been built on using my intuition and experience delving into the maze of the human mind and spirit. My main task being to find a straight forward answer to the confusing situations my spirit brother /sisters may be experiencing.
Though metaphysical work is popular and to some fashionable. It is not a parlor game, it’s not a form of entertainment (my opinion) it isn’t about being gifted or a level above (a ridiculous idea)it is about helping others clear the way to personal growth, realization of their own power and the ability to courageously give and receive love.
I am available for Psychic readings, frequency healing, regressions and power animal discovery sessions Monday through Friday ( Saturdays and Sundays available on special request call now at 469-546-8017 or e-mail at Robert@RobertCarusoOnline.com
It seems to me the problem with our society and I imagine the world is the need to live by absolutes and avoid even-handed compromise. Christians are pushing hard for Christianity to be taught or at least promoted in schools. But not Muslim, Buddhism, Zen, Taoism Hindu, Paganism, Wicca or any of the others.
How can you really force the belief in any one type of theology on anyone without diminishing their rights to their own understanding of life and the universe? If we are going to really teach creationism and the existence of God than we are morally obligated to teach the basics of all religions. That would be a monumental task for sure.
Maybe we should leave the religious teaching to the family or church and just allow a few minutes a day in schools for the exercise of religion in whatever form it is in without judgment.
I hear the demand for the routine pledge of allegiance to the flag in schools and sporting events. This is a technique used in the military all over the world to induce blind obedience.
Maybe instead we could have a couple minutes to reflect on where the country is headed or just silent personal contemplation.
Maybe instead of the pledge, we should have classes teaching our inalienable rights.
We could then pledge allegiance every morning to the U.S constitution, bill of rights, Integrity, and truth, instead of to a governmental system that is largely conducted in secrecy by political sociopaths in the chambers of the greedy and narcissistic.
If we pledge allegiance to truth and integrity everyone would know what that means and it would lessen our tendency to follow and support political sociopaths. Then maybe we will see treachery and unethical behavior with contempt instead as just business as usual.
Maybe then politicians would see it as political suicide to be part of a war that does nothing more than selling military hardware and line the pockets of the greedy. Wars that kill people by the thousands, destroying countless lives while needlessly squandering the lives of the young.
http://ow.ly/i/bhRfG http://ow.ly/OfM4a
Celebration of Death
I see a lot of references being made with regard to soldiers dying for their country, and the heroism it shows. But how many of us really take a good look at what we are doing and why?
When this country first began we had a revolutionary war to release us from the tyranny of the British rule. The Civil War was among other reasons, waged to attain freedom for slaves and the end of the ignorance of that behavior. The First World War and the second were to stop a tyrannical force from taking over Europe. There was the justifiable belief that we would be vulnerable if this was to be allowed to happen. These are all obvious examples of fighting for freedom.
Since then, every time we went into a warlike situation like Viet Nam or Korea, the battle cry was “defense of American freedom.” But in those cases, American freedom was not threatened.
The 911 situation is constantly under scrutiny as a possible “false flag operation ”. This event made the American people hysterically afraid of the threat of terrorism. The fear that swept the country provided the war profiteers with the opportunity they needed to sell an unjustified war to a country full of frightened sheep.
It was a fascinating display of power by these warlike puppeteers. They knew if they could scare the American people and fuel their need for revenge, they could then attack anyone they wanted to. The military industry could then parlay this into billions of dollars of revenue. This worked so well, they became insatiable in their pursuit of wealth and began attacking and threatening other countries. They realized that if they kept people believing in a constant threat, the American people would go along with anything.
They kept the people ignorant by using our corrupt media to make it seem patriotic to verbally attack anyone that doesn’t adhere to that prescribed belief.
As this developed, the government obtained more control of the American people. They now had the means to distract them and keep them from revolting as the economy began to crumble.
(The people who start the wars are NEVER the ones who fight or die in them.)
If only the American people would take ten minutes away from their television sets and computers, and would put as much attention on what is really going on, instead of whether some celebrity is pregnant or not, perhaps then we will be able to stop the insane practice of feeding our young people to the war machine.
Who knows maybe if we did that, the War profiteers will find a way to make their profits by spreading peace and prosperity rather than feeding on the blood of the innocent.
Maybe we can have a day celebrating the life of our children, instead of rationalizing their death.
R. Caruso
Psychic Development for life
Over the years there has been one question that has been asked more than others and that is “Do I have psychic ability?”
The answer to everyone is, Yes
All the talk of someone having the “gift” is rhetoric. If there is a gift at all it is in the ease that you learn it. Some like myself came on it easily (my case almost against my will) some have to work at it a little bit harder. But anyone can do it.
In this class I will demonstrate and walk you through techniques that I have been using for much of my 27 years as a professional Intuitive reader.
The course will have 5 distinct parts. They are as follows:
1. Finding Focus: how to tune in and get the best connection with your client and their acquaintances and their path.
2. Tarot Reading: A straight forward way to become proficient in reading the Tarot cards
3. Inducing a vision. Learn to set a scene that will give you the means to ascertain the relationship and intentions of other people
4. Psychic Shape Shifting: be an animal or another person. Get inside objects. Go to meetings or events and see what you or your client will be dealing with
5. Bringing it all together: using all the techniques in unison.
Most classes’ show you a few things and then you are on your own, to stumble and struggle many times deciding you just don’t have it. At that point all you needed is a little insight to the problem.
By course end you will know you have the ability and know how to develop it. Also you will be able to call me for a full year as you develop to help you through any difficulties you may face.
Although this course will give you the tools to read others. The reason for this class isn’t to crank out more “professional” Readers”. It is to help people develop a god given ability that is inherent in all of us. It will ultimately make life easier and more enjoyable.
This class will be held on Saturday and Sunday June 13th and 14th noon till 3:00pm Both days
At my office at 1113 Hampshire Lane Richardson Texas 75080
The cost is an even $180 per person